Lol My Senator Bill Nelson


Active Member
This is the e-mail he sent me, let me explain the premise of all this first. This is what I did basically I used one of those automated things from like Norml or whatever. I filled in and put some of my own comments. Weeks later I got this from him.

Thank you for contacting me regarding proposals to legalize marijuana.

I oppose legalizing this dangerous drug. At this time, no legislation is pending in the Senate to decriminalize the possession or use of marijuana. If such a proposal is introduced I will keep your thoughts in mind.

Your communication is important and enables me to better serve you in the Senate. Please contact me again with any input or concerns you have.

I found it really funny how he says "dangerous" I bet you this guy has a automatic reply set up. So if anything has the work marijuana this is what you get. The msg asked for medical use of it "NOT" to legalize it lol!:lol:


Well-Known Member
This is the e-mail he sent me, let me explain the premise of all this first. This is what I did basically I used one of those automated things from like Norml or whatever. I filled in and put some of my own comments. Weeks later I got this from him.

Thank you for contacting me regarding proposals to legalize marijuana.

I oppose legalizing this dangerous drug. At this time, no legislation is pending in the Senate to decriminalize the possession or use of marijuana. If such a proposal is introduced I will keep your thoughts in mind.

Your communication is important and enables me to better serve you in the Senate. Please contact me again with any input or concerns you have.

I found it really funny how he says "dangerous" I bet you this guy has a automatic reply set up. So if anything has the work marijuana this is what you get. The msg asked for medical use of it "NOT" to legalize it lol!:lol:
TBT's New American Dictionary

Senator - A fancy way of addressing some one that you would not invite into your home because of their complete lack of morals, ethics and common knowledge.

Representative - A misnomer, the actual term should be, Unrepresentative as they really have the interests of who ever gives them the most contributions in mind, and not the people that were sucked into voting for them.

President - Head Idiot

Chairman of the Federal Reserve - A failure who couldn't adapt their economic models to the reality of a private market and thus are now trying to adapt the private market to their models through government action.

Federal Reserve - A Quasi-Government agency that exists for the sole purpose of perpetuating a massive fraud upon the American People through the usage of the Fiat Currency.

Fiat Currency - Any Currency that is not also a commodity, and thus does not have an inherent value that defines its usage as money.

Fiat Currency (2) - Any Currency backed by debt and subject to manipulation through fraudulent means, such as Bank Notes.

Bank Notes - (See Fiat Currency) - Once pieces of paper issued by banks to note that a depositor had so much gold on deposit. As people are lazy these eventually began to circulate as money. When the bankers realized that people were using Bank Notes as money and were not that likely to actually ask to be given the Gold backing them they started issuing more Bank Notes than they had Gold on hand, leading to the creation of the Fractional Reserve Banking System, and Fiat Currencies.

Fractional Reserve Banking System - A Massive Fraud perpetuated by the bankers through which they are capable of manipulating the economies of their hosts by expanding and contracting credit.

Full Reserve Banking System - An honest banking system where bankers resist the temptation to issue more loans than they have assets to loan, thus not leading to dangerous inflation. The only bank looking at such a model is the Free Lakota Bank. Though no information is available regarding its size or assets.

Democrats - Statists that believe government holds all the answers.
Republicans - Statists that pretend to believe that individuals are capable of making their own choices.
Third Parties - Statists that haven't had their chance to get power yet.

Conservatives - A group partially encompassed by the Republican Party with factions calling themselves Classic Conservatives, Libertarians, Minarchists or Anarcho-Capitalists. A group that acknowledges that government is evil, and really can't solve a damn thing.

Liberals - A group partially encompassed by the Democrat Party with factions that believe in the pseudo-religion of Global Warming, and the right to murder the unborn. Typically marked by their inability to contribute anything to a conversation except calling people names.

Moderates - People that aren't sure what they are.

Religious Right - sometimes called Ultra Conservatives, though this is a misnomer as they are more or less Republicans that believe in establishing a Christian Theocracy.

Religious Left - Those that believe in the Global Warming Conspiracy

Far Right - Minarchists and Anarcho-Capitalists that believe in a pure Capitalist Economy.

Far Left - Socialists, Communists, Fascists, and any other groups that believe in a pure Command Economy.

Marijuana - A drug of no significant importance that has an incredibly high LD50, and is less dangerous than Tobacco and Alcohol, but is illegal due to the lobbying of DuPont and ...

DuPont - A Giant Chemical Manufacturing Corporation marked by its Statist Rent Seeking which it pursued through an intense lobbying campaign to criminalize hemp, using its less used name (at the time) Marijuana.

... - A Giant Newspaper Company now going bankrupt marked by its Statist Rent Seeking which it pursued through an intense lobbying campaign and a campaign of yellow journalism to criminalize hemp due to the other business interests of the owner in lumber and forestry.


Active Member
Haha that is good, I gotta show that to some friends thanks for showing me that. All I can say is I am defiantly not voting that guy in. As years go by I am starting to hate government with a passion to almost the extremes.