Lol Duchbag Get What He Had Coming


New Member
tshis dude got cought with 50 oxycodne 4 vollums and few tranzdone and ounce of pot and more then 19,000 dallors and a illagl knife and


Well-Known Member
Whats vollum and tranzdone?

I think you mean "Valium" "Oxycodone" and "Trazodone" "Dollars".... "This"

Didn't you finish third grade? I can understand misspelling medicine names, but..."this", "dollars"? come on.


Well-Known Member
Whats vollum and tranzdone?

I think you mean "Valium" "Oxycodone" and "Trazodone" "Dollars".... "This"

Didn't you finish third grade? I can understand misspelling medicine names, but..."this", "dollars"? come on.
Yeah ! Some people can't spell , SO WHAT . You CAN spell , and you seem like a dick head, SO WHAT. Go have a toke and imagine a perfect world.