Logan Soil Results

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Hey bud,

Not sure about the expertise on soil testing here on riu. But at ic mag slow nickels thread is exhaustive and informative. So is the advancing eco agriculture thread. There are many good youtube vids discussing, soil tests, base saturation, trsce minerals etc.

Your micro nutrients are super low except iron. Mg and Fe should be close to even values.


Active Member
Noticed magnesium was low. That kind of aligns with the issues I’ve been noticing as well. Wondering how to correct those micronutrient issues. Part of me wants to just keep trucking and mulching. Let nature run it’s course. The scientist in me wants to know how to amend and bring balance.


Active Member
Thank you. Do you know if KIS organics has a similar product? They’re local and I enjoy supporting local companies.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Do you know if KIS organics has a similar product? They’re local and I enjoy supporting local companies.
I'm sure they have a micro nute product, big 6 was meant to imitate TM-7 (without iron) by dr Faust who has been on KIS podcast


Active Member
Just an update to this thread for anyone watching. I called KIS organics today. The lady on the phone was essentially useless, and had no knowledge of soil or amending, or their product line. I asked her if there was anyone with product knowledge or experience there that could field some questions regarding my soil tests and she advised that there is nobody that fits that role there. She tried to refer me to some “consultant” company, where I assume I’d have to pay some ridiculous amount of money for them to look at my soil analysis and tell me what to order from KIS.

Ladies and gentleman, I don’t think my expectations here are unreasonable. If I walk into a Radio Shack to purchase a part for a broken electronic item, am I referred to an electronics “consultant” down the road? No. If I go to Home Depot with a busted pipe, do they refer me to a plumber just to figure out which piece of pipe I need to purchase? No. The people working in these settings have knowledge and can steer me in the direction towards which purchase to make.

This cannabis “industry” and its “consultants” are on my last nerve. I won’t be supporting KIS organics, and I will openly trash their reputation until Tad and gang pony up some dough to hire a damn employee with agricultural knowledge to provide CUSTOMER SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS. My opinion is that too many podcasts and too much attention in this growing field are going to Tad’s head. When you don’t have time to dedicate to customers anymore because your business is growing so rapidly, you use some of that profit to reinvest and hire some staff that know their asshole from a hole in the ground. That’s my rant for today. Signing off to smoke a joint and calm down from this absurd bullshit of a phone call I just had.

Oh yeah, I called my local Concentrates and they offered to review my results and advise me on what I need to purchase from them. Customer service - who woulda thunk it? I know where I’ll be sourcing my stuff from.


Active Member
Man, I found that it has a lot of sodium too... They use sodium with Molybdenum, so my sodium levels are 4x too high now.
How do my sodium levels look based on my soil analysis? They don’t really offer any reference values. Kinda frustrated at the lack of info that’s actually provided by these expensive soil tests I just paid for.


Well-Known Member
This cannabis “industry” and its “consultants” are on my last nerve. I won’t be supporting KIS organics, and I will openly trash their reputation until Tad and gang pony up some dough to hire a damn employee with agricultural knowledge to provide CUSTOMER SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS.
This is a tough road that you are going down my friend. I got ridiculed and badgered for getting my soil tested right here on RIU, I almost feel like naming names. Basically, people will tell you that the test results are skewed and that you should just toss them. That's B.S and don't listen to them, there are lots of professionals that write books and they ALL say to get your soil tested for indoor and outdoor. However, those fucking reports from Logan Labs and Spectrum Analytic are fucking hard to read. You would seriously have to research that shit and learn algebra to convert the #'s. My best advice would be to use the Soil Savvy test kit because it is much easier to read. Plus, it will replace the saturated paste test because it is more accurate. It is a solubility test, so it will reflect nutrient lock-out making it very easy to understand what is going on. See, I was using Logan Labs(Mehlich 3/Saturated Paste) for a couple of years and I never understood the test well enough for it to be a useful tool.
My best advice to using these tests is to let the soil age before testing it. The test will check for "what's available" so give the nutrients time to react with each other before mailing in the test. Amazon has a option that is $5 cheaper, but it mails from Washington state and it takes about a week to get here. Amazon Prime gets here overnight https://www.amazon.com/Soil-Savvy-Understand-Fertilizer-Recommendation/dp/B079GMTHFD/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia?keywords=soil+savvy&pd_rd_i=B079GMTHFD&pd_rd_r=9a91bb3b-267b-4bb5-888b-e3529e4315fc&pd_rd_w=KQwPp&pd_rd_wg=l5wwm&pf_rd_p=a5491838-6a74-484e-8787-eb44c8f3b7ff&pf_rd_r=J9MW0EHJ13ZPXHQQVJWG&psc=1&qid=1572654005


Well-Known Member
How do my sodium levels look based on my soil analysis? They don’t really offer any reference values. Kinda frustrated at the lack of info that’s actually provided by these expensive soil tests I just paid for.
Man, it's hard reading those tests. I didn't know that I was suffering from micronutrient def just from these tests. It wasn't until I started using Soil Savvy that I realized that I constantly had a Mn problem and I still can't figure out how to fix it! I thought that Big-6 was the fix, but it has a shit-ton of salt. I'm going to try to flush the Na out with 6-12'' of water and re-amend with alfalfa meal and possibly a compost tea.(This is the "After" test) I tested Malibu and tried to correct it, but Big 6 didn't deliver on the Mn like I had hoped. DSC01224.JPG
Sometimes it's easier to enlarge the small pic...
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Well-Known Member
Was that the only input you changed and what was your application rate? Just curious, not skeptical
I could show you the before and after of the soil test. However, the initial test was Malibu Compost by itself and the 2nd test(posted in previous comment) was 2/3 Promix, 1/3 Malibu, big handful of homemade grokashi, and Big 6(used at rate suggested on BAS website).
This is Malibu Compost by itself(before):DSC01217.JPGDSC01217.JPG


Well-Known Member
Was that the only input you changed and what was your application rate? Just curious, not skeptical
So, I had to look at the TM-7 web page because Big 6 don't have one. From what I understand, Big 6 dropped the iron and doubled the Mn sulfate and everything else should stay the same. What I noticed though is that sodium molybdenate is what they used for the molybdenum.

Edit: I also noticed that sulfur was pretty high, but that don't affect anything but Ph and my Ph was high, so no problem here. Actually, lowering my Ph might help my Mn problem. Most of the inputs in the Big 6 were sulfates, so this should be expected.


Well-Known Member
I called KIS organics today. The lady on the phone was essentially useless, and had no knowledge of soil or amending, or their product line. I asked her if there was anyone with product knowledge or experience there that could field some questions regarding my soil tests and she advised that there is nobody that fits that role there.
I tried to talk to Tad Hussey through E-Mail and he did very little to answer my questions. It pissed me off, but I realized that his poor social skills shouldn't make his podcast invalid. I pretty much listened to the whole series and I refer to it often. Tad Hussey is a dick, but he still came to OKC the other week, so I'll cut him a break for now. I bought the BioMin Booster 153 from him but that was mostly because of my respect for Dr. Steve Solomon, he's on the podcast and I think that he had a hand in making this product. I had problems using BioMin 153 in my soil, but it works great for foliar feeding!


Well-Known Member
How do my sodium levels look based on my soil analysis? They don’t really offer any reference values. Kinda frustrated at the lack of info that’s actually provided by these expensive soil tests I just paid for.
I'll help as much as I can, but you are going to have to look up each value separately. Google searches often lead to results that are confusing and they are usually talking about ground soil that organic matter less than 5%.

Sodic soils are characterized by a disproportionately high concentration of sodium (Na) in their cation exchange complex. They are usually defined as containing an exchangeable sodium percentage greater than 15%. These soils tend to occur within arid to semiarid regions and are innately unstable, exhibiting poor physical and chemical properties, which impede water infiltration, water availability and ultimately plant growth.

Sodic soils that are particularly difficult to manage include:



Well-Known Member
Greetings friends. I sent samples of my living soil in for analysis. Bed 1 was at the end of flower while bed 2 was at the beginning of flower. Here are the results. Looking for some tips on how to optimize my soil. Any help is appreciated.
If you are expecting an expert to come and spoon feed you information, you might be in the wrong place. Every member that has it figured out has left. You are more likely to get misinformation than useful information on here...