Lockdowns work.


Active Member
When in human history do you quarantine healthy people they lied they said 1.1 to 3 million people were going to die in the u.s. I live in the u.s. so that's what I'm hearing we barely had a hundred and twenty thousand funny how they stop showing that number every day once I hit a hundred thousand just so they can have a reference we have over a hundred thousand deaths


Well-Known Member
When in human history do you quarantine healthy people they lied they said 1.1 to 3 million people were going to die in the u.s. I live in the u.s. so that's what I'm hearing we barely had a hundred and twenty thousand funny how they stop showing that number every day once I hit a hundred thousand just so they can have a reference we have over a hundred thousand deaths
Who said?


Well-Known Member
When in human history do you quarantine healthy people they lied they said 1.1 to 3 million people were going to die in the u.s. I live in the u.s. so that's what I'm hearing we barely had a hundred and twenty thousand funny how they stop showing that number every day once I hit a hundred thousand just so they can have a reference we have over a hundred thousand deaths
you don’t live in the us, underbitch


Well-Known Member
When in human history do you quarantine healthy people they lied they said 1.1 to 3 million people were going to die in the u.s. I live in the u.s. so that's what I'm hearing we barely had a hundred and twenty thousand funny how they stop showing that number every day once I hit a hundred thousand just so they can have a reference we have over a hundred thousand deaths
Funny how over 100,000 people can die from a hoax that was supposed to simply blow away once the warmth of April arrived, huh?


Active Member
No hoax at all i have lost a few friends to this flu...but like i said when in human history to do what time healthy people and I guess since im black I live in Somali or maybe Ghana you call me name because you cant defend your own beliefs well will hit 250k by the time it's over so its no hoax


Well-Known Member
No hoax at all i have lost a few friends to this flu...but like i said when in human history to do what time healthy people and I guess since im black I live in Somali or maybe Ghana you call me name because you cant defend your own beliefs well will hit 250k by the time it's over so its no hoax
“Do outsource”



Well-Known Member
No hoax at all i have lost a few friends to this flu...but like i said when in human history to do what time healthy people and I guess since im black I live in Somali or maybe Ghana you call me name because you cant defend your own beliefs well will hit 250k by the time it's over so its no hoax
Your command of the English language is atrocious...

"When Russia sends us their trolls, they're not sending their best..."- Me


Active Member
Im a Macedonian troll one of the ones that torpedoed Hillary I guess..... come to Vegas I can meet you anywhere we can have a couple
And I'm not writing a novel so punctuation and grammar really do not apply or should i knit pick your post


Active Member
You don't like me neither do your friends. But, for you to say no one likes me is not a true statement. But, you cannot answer a simple question. Is it because you can't?
Their you go smart guy proper English!


Well-Known Member
Im a Macedonian troll one of the ones that torpedoed Hillary I guess..... come to Vegas I can meet you anywhere we can have a couple
And I'm not writing a novel so punctuation and grammar really do not apply or should i knit pick your post
you didn't torpedo her, she's unpopular and men won't vote her- it's a mommy thing.


Well-Known Member
When in human history do you quarantine healthy people they lied they said 1.1 to 3 million people were going to die in the u.s. I live in the u.s. so that's what I'm hearing we barely had a hundred and twenty thousand funny how they stop showing that number every day once I hit a hundred thousand just so they can have a reference we have over a hundred thousand deaths

When you have human garbage for a president..that's when, friend.


Well-Known Member
Mid South, local Tyson plants each dozens or even hundreds of infected workers, not protecting these “essential” workers. Two restaurant employees we know are positive. Never really shut down and trump and klan have to reopen with no real safeguards.


Well-Known Member
Mid South, local Tyson plants each dozens or even hundreds of infected workers, not protecting these “essential” workers. Two restaurant employees we know are positive. Never really shut down and trump and klan have to reopen with no real safeguards.
Tulsa is tomorrow night.