Location, location, location


Active Member
Had some Arjan Haze 3 going this year, and decided to give one seed to my brother. Essentially, he started them way later (I had mine start indoors in April, and he didn't even germinate until around June), and then just stuck it in the middle of a sun-soaked field and left it, barely bothering to water.

Meanwhile, I had 8 put outside after a month inside to start their life. Since I had more, stealth was a bit more important, so they got put in places with not great sunlight, but not bad sunlight either, but certainly not all-the-live-long day, like his.

Anyway, he just chopped his today (and I saw the pictures; it was ready), while mine are back inside as of a few weeks ago, and probably 4 weeks or so away. Bascially, the only difference was sun access. I can't believe how much that can make a difference in determing when they finish. And he never even used nutes, or particularly good soil. Go figure.