Locally grown FTW!


Well-Known Member
So I've never actually grown for reasons such as living with the parents, living with my girlfriend, etc. I recently moved out of my parents house and in with my girlfriend's house in Maine, and I was having *the hardest* time finding bud here! It was crappy mystery weed, nastyyyy especially once I was used to the Cali Medical that I could get in Arizona.

I finally figured out that an old family friend of ours smokes out here, and his friend grows outdoors - organic, local compost (lobster is big in maine, and their shells make super healthy compost), the works. Got some Mango & Purple today from him and smoked at approx 10:30AM. I was baked as fuck off half a joint (shared it with him) for ~ 3-3.5 hours. Great high, totally visual, I felt 500 ft tall and warm all over, it was great. After that, I took a 2 hour nap, woke up about an hour ago, and I'm still feeling a little buzzed :)

Anyone else had such a good experience? I'm telling 'ya, organic and local is the way to go. Yummm.

Pic for shits: http://i40.tinypic.com/5egy3a.jpg


Active Member
yeah hell yeah man i get weed just like that if not a little better =p im up in limestone where you at? im looking for some 420 buddys!!