¡llumminati vids..


Well-Known Member
Just watched some of those vids on you tube...
That shits off tap! Trips me out...obama and will I am...fuck me , sounds highly likely...but that shit about the hieroglyphs being blended...turning them and finding all these hidden supposed prophetic msgs...wow...


Well-Known Member
Titanic you say? I better check that....did you see the one called nicky minaj shape shifter? ...mad...i know shes fucked in the head! But shape shifter too? Wow

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member

Julius Caesar adopted son Octavian given Julius's title aka Augustus Caesar.Augustus had a divine background (political lie).born of a virgin birth thru Apollo (night visit to his mother by a serpent).During the funeral games to honor Julius a comet appeared in sky(chinese recorded),and Augustus proclaimed Julius resurrected.Julius Caesar was deified,and made into a God with a temple. "Cult of J.C." wich lasted 200 yrs inwich Constantine reworked."Divus iulius Christos"

wiki/Tropaion wiki/Caesar's_Comet
wiki/Inanna wiki/Shamash (Wiki is for base reference only)

Resistance is futile,and only a fool fights in a burning house...
The people that fall to the mindclasp of religion do not,and will not realise
The lie upon lie upon half truths of there religous texts.Christianity has the trinity,and by three they divide,and conquer mankind.
Judaism=Father Christianity=Son Islam=Holy Ghost
People pour over the pages thinking it is divine,and full of prophecy but it is a
preconceived script written by control freak arithmomaniacs.There jobs in
prehistory was of management,and deep astronomical knowledge inwich they kept
hidden with symbols of astronomy,sexual reproduction,and hyperspace
knowledge (there most treasured secret).
Your mind is a gift from God,so use it,and not bury it in 1/2 truthed deception.
What religion refers to as the "Devil" is actually a bloodline.
God has no ego for worship nor belief in.


Mister Sister

Active Member
It's important to recognize these things, but more important to remember: Don't be fearful.

As intimidating as it might seem, they are playing our subconscious minds to their advantage. Keep your dreams positive, let your heart's desire guide them. They are counting on us being afraid. Remember, it is an attack on the subconscious mind - the collective human consciousness.

Advertising is profitable in more ways than money to these folks. They are constantly reminding us of their dream (nightmare) - consumption will set you free. In reality, it is destroying us, and our earth.

Mister Sister

Active Member
Not to mention keeping us enslaved in their system. And most people still will defend it, because it is the norm, the only norm they have ever known. Sad.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
It's important to recognize these things, but more important to remember: Don't be fearful.

As intimidating as it might seem, they are playing our subconscious minds to their advantage. Keep your dreams positive, let your heart's desire guide them. They are counting on us being afraid. Remember, it is an attack on the subconscious mind - the collective human consciousness.
Advertising is profitable in more ways than money to these folks. They are constantly reminding us of their dream (nightmare) - consumption will set you free. In reality, it is destroying us, and our earth.
I agree for when we except things the way they are,we as a whole have become complacent in the lies mixed with 1/2 truths.
We all have to wipe the snot from our brat noses,and become aware.Once we are aware we get on with our destiny.God is a very patient parent,and a billion years for us is a grain of sand to Her(Males only give back what was borrowed in the first place).God has no ego for worship needs,for kind acts, working in equality radiates Her glory.She has many more worlds waiting for us that makes the mansion of the Biblical Heaven look like a doll house.Fear only feeds the evil that feeds on fear,for this has been going on for thousands of years.
Our minds are gifts from God use it.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Not to mention keeping us enslaved in their system. And most people still will defend it, because it is the norm, the only norm they have ever known. Sad.
Just like an innocent person rotting in jail over a fault in the law.The acceptance of the half truthed reality allows things to continue
the way they are thru some sort of cosmic law,or Prime Directive for a Star Trek reference.
