Little update..just moved them to the field next they are going in the ground


Well-Known Member
So thease are where they are going in the going to put them in the ground today..ill take more pics...but its nice on a hill side u cant see them at all unless ur like 5 ft from them and even from the top of the hill they are covered ill take pics and show u



Active Member
its pretty late to put anything outdoors. depending on the weather where you live, you might get alil something of each of those.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know its late...but my first grow got ate by rabbits but this ones...going to just see how it goes..i live in a good climent to be its like 105* its nuts.. but heres where you come down the field and you cant see them at all then i posted pics of them and where i planted them in the areas...can u see where they are?...or do u have any ideas? they are spread out...the last two pics are the east and west ends of the field...i got two on the west and 3 on the east side


zerran elar

Well-Known Member
hey you better watch out for coons and deer, the love to dig or eat up your plants but some fencing or netting around them. Make a fence out of sticks and fishing string.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i just went out there today they got getting cbhicken coiupe wire in the am and fixing that problem...what look like some nice staiva dont they?..what u think


Well-Known Member
Not a bad start bro. Keep me updated since I can't go and look anytime like I could do before...