Little bugs in hydro res. Help?


Well-Known Member
Not even sure they look like fruit flies. Very tiny.

Was going to empty the res tomorrow and vacuum as many as I can find. What can I put in the res to kill any left over?

Never had this problem. Look smaller than fungus gnats.

Check them under a scope or loupe to see if they are collemboans (spring tails)... They have a tendency to jump around and are sized kind of like a flea except longer instead of more round like a flea. They are generally considered beneficial or at least not detrimental as they are decomposers and are thought to indicate a healthy micro biology in the substrate. I have had them and hypoasis miles in my room for years with no issues and found it was easier to manage their populations with general cleanliness than trying to get rid of them using pesticide as they seem to be impossible to fully eradicate. Lots of info online if you Google spring tails to help you identify and decide what action you want to take