Listen to this shit . .


Well-Known Member
This chick that goes to beauty school with my girl, has been using her to help her with her work. So I naturally confronted her about it. She gives these excuses that, her and her Romanian douche-bag bf have been having problems and yada yada. At this point I'm trying to understand her side, then out of nowhere starts hurling personal insults at me. Saying I've got insecurity problems and mentally unstable. Can you believe that shit? The fuckin balls on this chick (figuratively of course). How would you have reacted? If she wasn't a girl I wouldve beat her ass.


Active Member
I would tell her that this is probably the same reason she is having problems with her boyfriend hahaha


Sounds like a drama queen if you ask me. You should have your g/f whoop her ass :)


I would have let my girl work out her own problems, unless she asked me to get involved. In which case I would tell my girl to grow a pair herself and put her foot down. As far as her "friend" attacking you: She was probably calling you all the names that she didn't have the guts to call her boyfriend.


I agree, but Matt09784 asked "How would you have reacted?". In my case, my woman can whoop ass on her own....usually mine.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I agree, but Matt09784 asked "How would you have reacted?". In my case, my woman can whoop ass on her own....usually mine.
ah sorry I missed that part.

I agree, unless my lady needs help I prolly would not step in (she is a rugged lil lady) :-) so agreeing with:

"my woman can whoop ass on her own"



Well-Known Member
It took me some time to learn this, when your g/f tells you about a problem, she isn;t neccesarily asking you to fix it or to even tell her your opinion on it.
Sometimes they just want to share and have someone to listen to what is on their mind relating to such things. Telling a gf to do this or do that, just makes
them feel inferior, like you think they don;t know how to deal with their shit. Women are way fucking further than us on these things on the evolutionary curve.
So learn to be a good b/f and just listen, until you are asked to give your opinion or to help out.


Well-Known Member
It took me some time to learn this, when your g/f tells you about a problem, she isn;t neccesarily asking you to fix it or to even tell her your opinion on it.
Sometimes they just want to share and have someone to listen to what is on their mind relating to such things. Telling a gf to do this or do that, just makes
them feel inferior, like you think they don;t know how to deal with their shit. Women are way fucking further than us on these things on the evolutionary curve.
So learn to be a good b/f and just listen, until you are asked to give your opinion or to help out.
I gotta remember this more often...


Well-Known Member
It took me some time to learn this, when your g/f tells you about a problem, she isn;t neccesarily asking you to fix it or to even tell her your opinion on it.
Sometimes they just want to share and have someone to listen to what is on their mind relating to such things. Telling a gf to do this or do that, just makes
them feel inferior, like you think they don;t know how to deal with their shit. Women are way fucking further than us on these things on the evolutionary curve.
So learn to be a good b/f and just listen, until you are asked to give your opinion or to help out.
That is great advice. I'm a young lady myself and even I could
use this advice.


I'd pop her in her bitch mouth! just kidding - I'd be really immature about it though - I'm not sure what I'd do - but it would be immature as fuck for sure.