limp/ please help


Active Member

this one is the best looking one

this one I topped but has really always looked like this

this one was looking really limp so I waited like 4 days and it seemed to get worse so I watered it again today.

my temp is constantly around 78-82 degrees
humidity stays around 40-45

I water ever 3rd day and I use some fox farm nutes once a week.

is it a ph problem? I use tap water in milk jugs and let the water sit for a week prior to use.


Well-Known Member
looks like over-watering to me but im no expert, put ur light a bit closer they'll use theyre water quicker, stick with watering every 4th day for a couple of weeks


Well-Known Member
you should let them get pretty dry then water well, use a watering can with rose so puts air in soil, would guess same as pepsicola that u may b over watering.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Looks like a clear case of overwatering to me. You have a good size container for that size plants so should be able to get away with watering once a week or so, only once the top 2" of soil is bone dry. Those containers have holes in the bottom to let excess water out right?
When you move your light, hold your hand at canopy level and adjust the light so the heat is not uncomfortable, that's how I always do it anyway, never burnt my tips yet!


Well-Known Member
damn, looked underwatered to me... ii have a small cab grow in 6" round pots, i seriously need to water them once a day, the soil drys out soooo quick


Well-Known Member
thats because theres liess soil and it heats up and mostiurfe is sucked out faster the bigger pits rtain there mostiure especially those smart pots your using! also foxfarm hold in mostiure youre fine


Active Member
ya cause I water when i stick my finger in the soil about 4 inches and its dry. but every time I water it makes things worse. so I'll hold off for a week and see what happens. I figured I was over watering. thanks for all the help.

I just don't want to spend all this time and effort and then have them go to shit. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Limp? Try viagra. I here it can keep you hard up to 24 hours. :)

lol. i'm a dork. okay so yeah, i'm thinking overwatering. If not, then yeah, i'd move the light closer.


Well-Known Member
I use tap water in milk jugs and let the water sit for a week prior to use.
I used to let my tap water sit for a good few days too but personally i think its best just to leave it for 24 hrs. The water company adjust the p.h and add chlorine so when you let it sit the chlorine evaporates, but over a few days this will effect the p.h, thus resulting in a too low or too high p.h! So yeah try just leaving for 24 hrs or use rain water when you can.


Well-Known Member
excellent, looks like they are definatly enjoying it! They look very healthy now, good work. Now the next time they droop dramatically thats when they are going to want a drink. the key is to time how long it takes from watering your plants, to when the plants droop - and time it so that you water approx 5 or 6 hours before the droop is expected.
Dont worry if they droop a little tomorrow morning as theyre still recovering and sometimes plants droop a bit at night time anyway so it should be about 4 days since your last watering till you see the big droop.

Plants love routine and they will learn the watering routine and they will produce well for you in return for your love.
