Lights on throughout 2 dark cycles

Came into my grow room 2 days ago, one bulb was off for the timer had jumped 13hrs in front, so I suppose that one bulb was on throughout the dark cycle.
Fixed the time - but the idiot I am, didn't check if the cycles on the timer didn't mess up as well... leaving grow room before lights out didn't even check if the lights went out...
I did today thought! And guess what... that bulb didn't turn off, surprise surprise! It was working throughout last night as well.

Fuck my life.

I'm at day 39 of flowering. Just how screwed am I?
Only thing I can do now is pray they don't hermie, if that's even possibru. I suppose I pretty much lost a week of flowering and they'll just be stunned now, correct?

I hate holidays, always the worst time in my life, everything just goes to shit...


Well-Known Member
I doubt you'll see any serious side effects. Just ensure you've put it back properly, and don't change anything for a while so you can monitor.

Big thanks to the both of You for responses.

I got a reply on another forum yesterday and the guy said that I'll be okay, but in case I'm still worried and just want to make sure - he suggested reducing the light to 10 hours a day for the next 3 days to re-balance any hormonal/protein imbalance that occured, I thought it was an excellent idea so did just that.

It never seizes to amaze me just how much misinformation there is about this plant, some posts I've read really freaked me out.


Active Member
Big thanks to the both of You for responses.

I got a reply on another forum yesterday and the guy said that I'll be okay, but in case I'm still worried and just want to make sure - he suggested reducing the light to 10 hours a day for the next 3 days to re-balance any hormonal/protein imbalance that occured, I thought it was an excellent idea so did just that.
It never seizes to amaze me just how much misinformation there is about this plant, some posts I've read really freaked me out.
rightly so. You introduced a large stressor to the environment. Depending on the genetics it will be okay, it will probably yield slightly less or it could hermie on you. It's a roll of the dice but you should be fine just watch out for nanners.