lighting with CFL?


New Member
hey guys, i'm wanting to try out a CFL grow and was wondering if i could do a grow with 1-2 42w CFL bulbs? if i'll 1-15 grams from it, i don't wanna do it. Also, if you could tell me which types of cfls to get, that would be great! thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Odds are not great for to get any real amounts from one or two small cfls. However. You can very well start a few plants under a couple cfls and then flower with something a little better in a couple months. Lights of all kinds have dropped unbelievable amounts in the last 4 years. I have one ballast setup that totalled about 450 about 4 years ago. Combos identical to that on amazon are goin for under 150$ nowadways and even $110 special bulbs are now $60. Hell I order a 240w Led for $133 a week ago. My last comparable panel was $600 not that many years ago.


Well-Known Member
I love CFLs for small grows.
Top 2 - 13 watt at 5500, 2- 23 watt @ 2600.
Later I'll add 2 - 42 watt droppers at 2600
2 gal pot of Poo-mix & sm. grow stone, Jack's Classics, Cal-mag, dolomite, Pro-tek. About as simple as it gets. This one (Whit Widow) produced just over 3 oz in a 13 X 22 X 30 inch cab.

Photo take on harvest day.

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Yes it will. But with CFLs you have to keep in mind spectrum... Cool is for vegging and warm for flowering. Honestly i would recommend three smaller CFLs over two larger ones... Being as with three the plant is gonna get better coverage and all the buds will get light.
42W is too good for a cFL, nice light.. 2 will do good.. just remember, you get more light from the sides.. adjust them as you find suitable.
I'm sure 1-2 ounces is well in range of a possibility with 3 28 watt bulbs assuming proper soil and pruning methods are used.
I don't quite understand why you would only use two CFLs??? Your plant is gonna be all funny looking and personally I would just find that annoying... Get 3 lights so it gets a nice roundish source of light as with CFLs they don't get proper in depth penetration into the foliage, they just don't have the strength. So you gotta get two on the sides of plant and one of top for nice well rounded plant that the bud sites get lot of light. Don't forget to tuck in your fan blades under the bud sites so they get more light... My cfl grow has five bulbs around it just because the bulbs don't penetrate the foliage.
Three 23 will be sufficient and grow a nice rounded plant and make better use of your electric than two 42... But honestly I'd get another 42 and just put three 42 might cost you 8 bucks a month in electric. And with three your plant won't be "sufficient" it will be happy.
Either will grow a plant. One will fulfill its needs one will make it happy and give it more energy. Obviously as we're talking about weed, my opinion would be bigger is better. If you run into any probs, pm me. I know a lot about rednecky closet grows with CFLs ;). And like I said make sure you get the right spectrum for the right stage.
Ive used 3x 25wcfl @ 2700 as a newbie and for a first time grow. Ive realised that on my next grow I will in invest in more lights maby up the strenght and add one more bulb maby.


Well-Known Member
Try going to the "Vertical" thread and see what they are doing with basically "side lighting".
You may want to reverse things and put the plant in the middle and the 3 bulbs around the plant down low (about 1/3 from top).
Keep or make movable walls to reflect the light tight to the plant. I did something similar with a child's Hula-Hoop type plastic ring,, shower curtain hangers and hung Mylar off the hoop. Sort of like a lampshade around all. Keep it tight and close.
I did this to get a handicapped person started (card holder) and it was great for him learning and easy for him to work. I set him up with Autoflowers to start because they don't require 12/12 or light tight areas during flower. But, in a dark closet or something it should do well with photoperiods.
Instead of Mylar you could get a space blanket from Wal-Mart for $1.00 and be better than nothing,, but the Mylar is 10X better. A lot of light passes through the space blanket and is not as well reflected for using.
Could also make movable walls using white poster board to contain the lighting.
Leave a gap at the bottom and the top open and the natural convection will keep it cool enough to get by.