Lighting/Setup Questions


Active Member
Well coming up here in the next month i plan on germinating. It will be an inside op, down in my basement. I have read that basements are just as good as a place toa grow as anywhere. It does not recieve a/c or heat so my first question is would this be a problem? With summer coming up i can't imagine it dropping below around 60 degrees down there. Im not trying to do nothing crazy, so prob 2-4 plants is what I plan on doing. That is already enough to send me to fuck-me-in-the-ass prison and i dont know the laws on numbers of plants but im not growing than 4 . As for strands i know for sure I want Black Domina, Blue Moonshine, Arjans Haze, and maybe automatic ak47(I havent researched much into auto-flowering plants so if this would conflict with the other plants let me know). I wanted to throw atleast one 100% sativa in the mix but ive read that doesn't mix well with Indica's. Please let me know if these strains will not mix well. As for lights thats why im making this post, money isn't really an option, as long as its under $600 for the whole setup. For 2-4 plants i figured that was more than enough money. Ive been hearing about these meter squared setups and that the yield would be near a lb, so this is what we plan on doing. Is 4 plants enough to fill a m2? I was wondering if HPS or ML lights would be best for these plants for optiumum budding time, yield, quality and ESPECIALLY power use. And are c02 tanks neccessary?

PS. I plan on kind of following Whidow Maker's guide for most of it since he seems on his game.

PS. Since i could possibly spend up to 800 dollars if neccessary would a grow box be plausible? Ive read on some that they can grow an inch a day :O. Would it make this whole process easier since it includes fans and timers etc


Well-Known Member
Hey man i would for sure go with a grow tent if your only doing 4 plants way easyier to keep you temps right and humidity and such.... hard to keep the howl basement setup properly as for 4 plants shit i would still toss a 600 watt on em and for sure you MH for vegging and HPS for flowering if possible. hhhmmm what else grow tent buddy will be better in everyway with only 4 plants for 800 bucks i would just try and make your own check a couple out on here and shit you will be able to toss something together for 800 bucks. good luck


Well-Known Member
Sorry also a pound is possible just do as much reading as possible and yeah theres lots to learn. ive seen a dry pound off of a plant before just depends on how good you get. also toss them under a 1000 if your going for gold


Well-Known Member
Indica and sativa strains grow no problem side by side ive been growing the 2 strains for time and never had any problem the only problem that you will have is indica's grow huge, i have arjons ultra haze and it's massive.i have even gone has far has to put screws in my grow room wall to try and keep the light evenly spread by tieing it to them and getting it to grow side ways with the a~u~haze your talking 5/7 at 5 week into you have problems with light but i have conquered it now it growing like ivyup the wall and then back down and now we are on or way up again.if your growing in the uk you may have to get a fan that kicks hot air out because the temp drop at this time of year it's freezing.i have out air blowing out for harf hour every hour through lights off.The smoke of the arjons ultra is well worth it such a nice tateing bud nice man.