lighting question?


Active Member
hey yall, i got two wonderful plants outside and they are JUST starting to show first signs of bud... i think lol. i want to maybe bring them inside or maybe even start some new plants indoors but i dont have access to hps bulbs, i could drive to detroit to get them but i think thats a bad idea. is there anything that i can use other than hps that might be a little cheaper and easier to get my hands on?? thank you so much!!!



Well-Known Member
welcome to the site. there are a couple of good flourescent light options - either tube or compact flourescent. if you look at the GROWFAQ section and the stickies on this site you will find specifics on what wattage and placement will work the best. good growing.


Well-Known Member
i still think that hps is a great idea especially if u serious about growing..very handsome plant btw..are u sure its not male?..


Well-Known Member
Keep em outside maaannnn!!!! I take mine out almost everyday and they love it.... I live in cali so the humidity and weather is ideal....depending on where you live it might be better to leave em out...where do you stay.... Or i would keep em outside when the sun light is good 12am to 5pm and then inside at night.... that what i did... you could order lights from htg supply..... they have great prices and decent product (old technology) and new stufff....Im in the ssame boat its my first grow and
I couldnt afford the 400 hps so Im still using my t5's. there just not powerful enough anymore....especially to reach the bottom bud sites....Im converting soon as posssible...If u cant afford it either get a t5 and compliment it with like 3 cfls for the sides and bottom.....plants look goo so far....similar to mine.


Well-Known Member
Dude you plant look like mine....I would keep em out.....plants love the sun.... its the best source of light....however if you live in a bad enviroment.... to cold to humid etc... its better sometimes to keep em in....where do you live???? I couldnt afford to switch to a 400 hps for flowering so I just took them outside for about 3-6 hours a day when Im home, and they love it .... mind you i live in southern cali.... ideal temps and humidity...So my advice would be if u cant et hps keep em outside when the sunlight and temp are ample and put em in at other time... buy some t5's and compliment them with cfls for the bottom sites and put some on the side....or you could order from htg supply


Well-Known Member
ohhhhh snaapppssss!!! meat hook.... we call my friend meathook too....thats a fuunny name....hahaahah..... and thanx 420.....respect.


Active Member
thanks for all the info people! this site is the shit! oh and does anyone think they look like males???? i guess im not educated enough to tell at this point... i thought for sure they were females... someone told me they look like 60% sativa and 40% indica with mostly sativa characteristics... doesnt that mean female? tomorrow morning im going out to remove my fence (so the choppers dont see it) and add some liquid fence, ill take a few close up pictures for you guys, if they are males i will be devistated! the two seeds came from a QP of literally the best dro i have ever come across.. (and i smoke a lot... i mean a lot lol) oh and how to LED lights compare to HPS and floresent?


Well-Known Member
they look least from those pics... take closer bud shots......usually male are easy to spot.... males show real early... i had 5 plants when i started and i was too obvious that 3 were male....It was hared but i killed em most showed in a month.... if u see clusters of sacs youll far as lighting led's look cool and use very little energy... i read alot about them.... however even the best growers sware youll get great smoke but extremely small yields.... i dont think youll ever get half as much as an hps will give you....if u cant get the hps buy T5's and cfl's for lower side buds......u must not read to many threads on here...


Active Member
good lookin guys... i think reading all the threads is what has me freakin out...ill post updated pics fairly regularly. and they will be better quality also.


Well-Known Member
hey swed you should start a growjournal, i will be the first to subscribe i love new enthusiastic growers


Active Member
nice! ill def do that first thing in the morning... im about half a bottle deep in some badass red wine and doing stuff on the computer is getting harder and harder lol. ill def get at you tomorrow!! PeAcE my friend