Lighting question

Rudi I&I Automan

Well-Known Member
High :weed: I used to have 2 books, the growers bible and another which was dedicated to a guy called sandy (pic of sandy and a huge lebaneswe main cola the size of his head ??

It had an experiment with plant growth and light levals and times etc. In one experiment they discovered you only have to break the dark period every 20 mins for 5-10?? mins and it continued to grow as if under 24hrs light, has anyone any experiance secondhand or hands on of this?

this should maybe be in the auto section too/instead of here i & i tink
rudi I


Well-Known Member
This is true, to an extent. It's mostly an outdoor growers trick, since indoors we can give light whenever we feel like it.

Just as you can cover plants up (light deprivation) to make them flower sooner, you can supplement them with light when it's dark outside to keep them in veg.

Think of it this way... When the plant is in the dark, certain hormones build up. When the plant receives light, these hormones are released. If the dark lasts long enough (say... 12 hours), the hormones build to a level that triggers the plant to begin flowering. If you hit them with light for a bit in the middle of, say, a 12 hour dark period, the hormones will be released.


- While the plant will stay in veg mode, it won't grow as fast as it would if you just gave it long enough light periods to begin with.

- If you want to go this route for whatever reason, you have to be diligent about it. First, you must be sure the plant hasn't started trying to flower before you start interrupting the dark cycle. Also, if you forget to interrupt the dark cycle even once or twice, your plant will switch to flowering... Once it's switched, interrupting the dark cycle will be very stressful.