lighting question


Active Member
here is what i have, i have a 4ftw X 5ftL X 8ftT closet and i want to grow 5-10 plants. i have four 4ft 40w flouros and two 125w flouro bulbs. if i need more, how many and what kind? i would like to stay with flourescents from seed to flower. if that is possible. oh and also im growing in soil. but all advice would be greatly appriciated. i have read a lot on grow FAQ but seeing what other ppl have to say would be better. thanks


New Member
get more of the 125's if possible... those t40's (4' ers) will be good for side light.. surround the plants with one of those t40's on each wall running vertically,, and try to have one 125w per plant,, hanging overhead by a chain so you can adjust the height properly and with ease


New Member
p.s. you wont need the t40's untill the plant gets to about a foot,, otherwise it is just a waste of electricity


Active Member
i was kinda thinkin about getting a string of lights and stickin those bulbs in it but i also want to keep from burning my house down. haha


New Member
string lights are often run in series.. this means if one goes out they all go out.. make sure if you buy a string it is run in parallel