lighting question

yo guys
this may be a real silly question but im currently using a total of 305w of cfl but iv just ordered a 250 hps will i save electric?and will i notice a difference in yield


Well-Known Member
Compare your current draw in amperage or wattage to see what your $ difference is.

Probably insignificant.


Well-Known Member
a 250 mhs. is way better then the cfl. because you can direct the light where you need it. and yes 250 watts is less the 300 . and hps do have better yield. I could pull 4 ounces easy off a 250 hps. veg 4 plants. and put them into flower. when they are 8 inches tall . as long as they have 4 tops. trim all the fan leaves off. ounce a plant.
thanks for the replys lads iv got a few autos early flowering at the moment oldest is about 17 days so going to put it over them hopefully be here Tuesday will they be okay to just change the light
yh i should be okay with that just that iv got autos at the moment so 18/6 but iv already brought my next seeds with are not autos so should defo be able to run them all on 12/12 next grow