Lighting Question For seedling/Clones


Well-Known Member
You'll need 6400K or 6500K for Seedlings/Vegetating and 2700K for Flowering and no, you can't mix the Bulbs. Btw remember that you need to cover only the Plants sq.f with your not the Tent ;)
You need 3000Lumens by sq.f of the Plants, now if your Tent is full you'll need 4x4=16x3000=48000Lumens
Good Luck
More false noob info. You dont NEED any special spectrum for anything and the truth is that mixing spectrums will help with plant vigour and help the plants to saty healthy and green. Its bad info like this that is fucking this site up.


Well-Known Member
Well i did my Grow like that and had 0 problems but also i've seeing a lot of people here with great Grows doing the right thing. Did you know that 2700K induce Flowering? Are you a Professional? To get your Plants Healthy and Green as you said you don't need to Mix your Bulbs man are you crazy? You started confusing the guy now i think you must learn a bit more. Anyway if you don't like my Post don't read it very simple.
Ok lets start with your first statement about needing 6400k for vegging. Well I (and thousands of others) use an HPS start to finish and when I use my T5 I use bllom bulbs through the whole grow. As far as your second statement where you said you cant mix the bulbs, why would lighting companies be selling dual arc HID bulbs for then? There are plenty of threads on here about the benefits of a dual spectrum grow. So again I ask you to stop spreading Bad info after coming here and reading a copule threads from people with no more experience than yourself and deciding that you know enough to start giving people advice that really want to learn the facts about growing unlike yourself. I am no expert no but if you look around I have pics of no less than 40 plants I have grown successfully using many different styles and lights with good success so yes I think I am qulified to question your short sighted opinion to support my own.


Well-Known Member
Must admit I swapped my 400w HPS to a 400w Duel Spec HPS and grows alot better then ever before!


Well-Known Member
Must admit I swapped my 400w HPS to a 400w Duel Spec HPS and grows alot better then ever before!
Imagine that!!! A man with experience has also challenged your opinion with facts. I am not trying to be an asshole. I just think you should learn a bit more before we end up with a new member spreading your bad info.


Well-Known Member
Never claimed you didn't get bud. Everyone has there ways and preferences down to soil/hydro, lights, nutes, flushing and even light cycles. We just saying you can't dismiss something you haven't tried which IMO seems to improve what I do. Yes I got bud before with a HPS only but my plants vigor has increased with my latest grow using a Duel Spec. I can only say what IMO is better. Like hydro, I can offer an idea but never done it so always make the person aware of this and say I do such and such and think such and such but speak to some other people for ideas.
Hey i disagree with you 200% and that's it. If i Successfully get my Bud how you gonna make me understand that i'm wrong?


Weed Modifier
no, you can't mix the Bulbs.

Did you know that 2700K induce Flowering? you don't need to Mix your Bulbs man are you crazy? You started confusing the guy now i think you must learn a bit more. Anyway if you don't like my Post don't read it very simple.
Wrong again! 2700k is the color temp of bulb...light cycle induces


Active Member
I to was also given false information about high temps and it is totaly unfair to pass this on as why would you want it to happen to anyone else if it happened to yourself. Me personaly all info i have i go else where to read into it and then act accordingly to that. I also grow with 600HPS and do not change the bulb. peacehttp://ALL MEMBERS PLEASE ADD THIS LINK TO YOUR SIGNATURE TO HELP FIND A LOST LITTLE GIRL ( Ayla ), SPREAD THE WORD, TO HELP BRING AYLA BACK HOME TO HER LOVED ONES!!! comment/ post here