lighting question for autoflowering plants


Active Member
so my lowlife auto ak47's finally arrived from attitude and im about to germ a few seeds. i know that my light (150w sun system 2 hps) is only good for a 2'x2' area. so im wondering if i will be able to fit 4 plants each in a 1'x1' square pot (trying soil this time) or maybe just start 2, wait until they are about half way done, then start another 2...or is someone gunna ruin my day and tell me i can only fit 2 plant under the basically i wanna know whats the most i can fit under that 150 without sacrificing yield or quality. im growing in a closet, but maybe buying a grow tent in a few weeks when i can save a little loot.thanks


Well-Known Member
You can fit 4, Or you can fit a lot more. Check out some peoples grows in the 150w thread, wherever that is, it'll pop to the front page from time to tine but the search isn't working for me.

If you bought one or two of these 150w hps's for $20 ea of course then you can double or triple that:

$20 (and whatever shipping) to get 4 oz more if you do it right aint too bad...

Your grow will probably look like this on a smaller scale:
Might want to use bigger pots, it's easier.

If that light you got is new you could return it maybe, it's no better than the $20 one just looks better. Then you'll have more money for whatever.

Click the link in my sig, you could get that off your grow with 2 more lights. $500 :)

I found it, it was on the front page again, you probably have seen it but whatever, I'm sooooo baked right now, hadn't smoked for a week woo hoo feel so much better: