Lighting problems.


Well-Known Member
clean it up as best you can .. shake the plant to get as much off as possible ... change your bulb .. good to go .. just rememeber at harvest time to shake them and check them closely for glass that may still be in the bud

happy growin


Well-Known Member
I think you need to post this like 50 more times in all the other subforums because I think you missed a few, jackass.

What do you think you do, clean it up, how fucking hard can that be?!
I think you need to post this like 50 more times in all the other subforums because I think you missed a few, jackass.

What do you think you do, clean it up, how fucking hard can that be?!
wtf chill
no need be a dick a bout it. I'm just tryna get more answers and see whats best. Didn't wanna expose myself to harmful gases or anything. sheesh