Lighting For Seed Starting/Cloning

im gonna be starting my first grow soon, and im still not sure what lighting i should use for starting seeds/clones... im kinda strapped for money but i could squeeze in a 400w MH system, but im debating to use that or maybe t5 lighting and if so what type of t5 lighting, im not sure for growth/yield if its better to use MH or T5, if T5 lighting gives same results it would save money to use those, any opinions i get would be great thanx...

also....if i go T5 lights id be using them all the way to vegging seen a few post befor where people say good things about them, im just not sure if theres ne specific t5 lighting i would need


Well-Known Member
Just found your question; clones/seedlings require little to no light when getting started. Once you've got 3 or more nodes, then T5s will get you vegging. I start all clones and seedlings under a 23 watt CFL without issue. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Clones and seedlings DO need light in order to photosynthesize to grow that 3 or more nodes. I suggest T5's for the early stages. You can get by with T8 shop lights if your money is tight. They work great for cloning and propagating seedlings. Whatever you do, please do not use an expensive bulb to raise seedlings or clones. YES, it can be done, but it's really stupid if you have options. Why pay the power to generate 50k lumen, only to raise the light so high that you don't burn the plants and waste a majority of the 50k lumen.

Gringo's suggestion will work if you are only dealing with a few plants at a time, and it's cheap. I have 23w CFLs in 8" reflector dishes lying around that I clamp up from time to time to add lighting to a seedling or clone. They also make great side lights for a T5 grow ;)
for t5's im only probably gonna be using it for 8-10 plant system, a mix between plants/clones ect, is there any cheap but efficient systems out there ? ive viewed a few but ones i was looking at are $200+, maybe some DIY type of system im not sure, all the help i can get would be great


Well-Known Member
if only one, go with the MH.

I use T5, MH, & HPS & here is why. The T5 is ideal for seedlings because u can have them literally right on top of the pots until sprouted & then always under 2 inches from the tops. At this stage they r ideal to keep stems short & prevent stretch. As well, MH is a strong light & ur tender seedlings really don't need all that & u will have more stretch as u can't get them as close. And even though I successfully use my T5 54 watt one bulb system through week #3, vegging longer requires more lumens/light. Having said that, unless u plan to run super short harvests, I would opt for the MH light, deal w/the extra stretch to have the necessary light needed not only for veg but absolutely ESSENTIAL for flowering. Now MH is not ideal for flowering, HPS is because of the different color spectrum needed in each stage. Having said that, lol, if u could only choose one light from seedling through flowering u need but the HPS; which many growers choose to do. Again, u still won't be able to get to close & again u'll have some stretch in seedling stage & HPS is not AS ideal as MH for veg, BUT it is good enough & when the light is most important in flower, ur HPS will perform!

BTW: my nice little T5 system is from Hydrofarm, got it off Amazon for $50 shipped, & I love it. I run a 400 watt interchangeable nextgen ballast with MH/HPS bulbs respectively.


Active Member
All you need for that many plants is a 2foot 4 bulb lamp, I am sure you can find it for about $100 on ebay. I currently use a 2ft 2 tube for 8 plants and I use it all the way from seedling through veg, once they get too big I hit them with a week or 2 under a 250 watt MH. The lumatek multi wattage came in handy becuase when Im all done with veg I just change the bulb to my 400 hps and I am good to go. CFLs from home depot is also not a bad idea to get you started, I just didnt like the fact that all the plants didnt get even light exposure.


Well-Known Member
Great advice Snoops :)

But he is only asking about seedlings and clones and the light to get them going if i read that subject line right.

if only one, go with the MH.

I use T5, MH, & HPS & here is why. The T5 is ideal for seedlings because u can have them literally right on top of the pots until sprouted & then always under 2 inches from the tops. At this stage they r ideal to keep stems short & prevent stretch. As well, MH is a strong light & ur tender seedlings really don't need all that & u will have more stretch as u can't get them as close. And even though I successfully use my T5 54 watt one bulb system through week #3, vegging longer requires more lumens/light. Having said that, unless u plan to run super short harvests, I would opt for the MH light, deal w/the extra stretch to have the necessary light needed not only for veg but absolutely ESSENTIAL for flowering. Now MH is not ideal for flowering, HPS is because of the different color spectrum needed in each stage. Having said that, lol, if u could only choose one light from seedling through flowering u need but the HPS; which many growers choose to do. Again, u still won't be able to get to close & again u'll have some stretch in seedling stage & HPS is not AS ideal as MH for veg, BUT it is good enough & when the light is most important in flower, ur HPS will perform!

BTW: my nice little T5 system is from Hydrofarm, got it off Amazon for $50 shipped, & I love it. I run a 400 watt interchangeable nextgen ballast with MH/HPS bulbs respectively.
ya, i was just kinda brain farting, i get the idea now for lighting for seeding and clones......but after looking at T5 Lights it gets me kinda interested in them, a few systems i was looking at 30,000 lumens and they had another system for $199 and i think its 40,000 Lumens......for the area im just a tad worried about the hear......but i also looked on amazon and found a 400w mh/hps system for around $141 with shipping included... i guess i might go with that system since its switchable and im gonna need a light system for HPS even if i choose T5 lights for vegging....i might be looking 2 far ahead considering this might be my first grow i will be doing,i should just go with the basic till i start growing then use some of the money for some of the big upgrades down the road, im just not a fan of the mh/hps reflector cause down the road ill prob have to either replace the hood to get a venting system think im just getting overwhelmed cause of my first grow which im sure alot do when they first start....if i could get a few more replies off this new post of mine id appriciate it thanx, all the imput from everyone has been great and i appriciate it


Well-Known Member
Take a deep breath, one step at a time. It's always best to start small and get a hang of the hobby and your environment in stages. CFL or T%s are great to start, and create much less heat than an MH, which is also a factor to consider.
ya ill probably go with the 400w MH/HPS system to start off with i was hoping to do 10 plants in a flood and drain system but cause of lighting ill prob go with 8, once my first grow hits in the end of veg/start of flowering im ggonna want to decide what type of system i wanna use for clones/vegging so i can have a setup where ones in flowering and ones in vegging, still deciding if i want T5 lighting or MH lighting then when that time comes