light stres? I need help please before it get worst!!



  • This plant its been vegging for 3 weeks, evrything seams to be fine.But it got close to the T5 light also agrosun 26 w 1600 lumens, like 3 inches and the top leaves got like this in the picture.. I've only been giving it water till last time I add some nut and super thrive for stress.there 5 plants but this one is the only one like this and it was the closest to the light.I water every 5 days.



Active Member
IMO ur good man just don't keep the light so close. Don't stress it seems fine. Like I said don't keep the lights too close to ur plant bc the leaves will curl a little. I had the same issue, moved my lights n inch or 2 away it's all good :)


Active Member
Yup :bigjoint: I try to help anyway I can bc I'm a beginner my self :) and I always try to respond quickly bc I know I appreciate when someone does the same for me. Hope u yield soMe dankness :)


Well-Known Member
Yep you are all good. Get a fan blowing across the bulbs and the curling wont happen becuase the leafs will stay cool.


Well-Known Member
actually, that canoeing you see where the edges are curling up is a sign of heat stress, not real bad but i'd back the light off just a bit, put the back of your hand up to the bulb and hold it there so you can feel the heat, then slowly back your had away from the light until you reach a distance where you can leave your hand there without undue discomfort, once there that will be the distance you want your plants from the light, if your hand can take it, your plants can take it, warm is ok, hot, not so much.

...other than that the plant in your pic looks healthy enough from what i can see. another picture of the entire plant, the more information you post when you're having a problem the more likely you'll get good help and pictures show a lot.

peace, bozo


actually, that canoeing you see where the edges are curling up is a sign of heat stress, not real bad but i'd back the light off just a bit, put the back of your hand up to the bulb and hold it there so you can feel the heat, then slowly back your had away from the light until you reach a distance where you can leave your hand there without undue discomfort, once there that will be the distance you want your plants from the light, if your hand can take it, your plants can take it, warm is ok, hot, not so much.

...other than that the plant in your pic looks healthy enough from what i can see. another picture of the entire plant, the more information you post when you're having a problem the more likely you'll get good help and pictures show a lot.

peace, bozo
Hi bozo, just a thing. Is light stress or heat stress the same? kind of confused here, i'm keeping the temperature from 77 to 79 ,some times up to 82 depends the day. the light bulb was a couple of inches away from this plant and only the top 2 leaves got like this, and there is a fan to keep them cool .
Thank you!

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Yeah no real biggie, just back the lights off a bit and know when close is close enough.

Also make sure you have good humidity.

If poss. you want to keep humidity above 50 in veg.


Well-Known Member
Hi bozo, just a thing. Is light stress or heat stress the same? kind of confused here, i'm keeping the temperature from 77 to 79 ,some times up to 82 depends the day. the light bulb was a couple of inches away from this plant and only the top 2 leaves got like this, and there is a fan to keep them cool .
Thank you!
...actually no, you can have heat stress just from the ambient temps being too high without light stress which usually cause's bleaching in the leaves.'ll seldom see bleaching from CFLs because the light just isn't intense enough with the caveat that it may still be possible with the extremely high-wattage CFLs, i wouldn't know for sure though because i never used them preferring the 23s and 26s because you can buy an assload more watts per dollar buying the lower wattage bulbs than you get with the high-wattage bulbs.

...i grew under CFLs exclusively for nearly 2 years so i'm very familiar with them. your case i'd not stress over it, just back the light off a little and look to increase your airflow, as i said above, all things considered and judging from looking at just a single leaf, i'd say your problem is very minor and mostly, your plant looks healthy.

peace, bozo


i switched today to flowering mode and changed the lights to 300 watts LED , i notice that the curl effect still there,the last couple of day i moved the other lamps a little away and the problem seamed to be geting i get the feeling that is there again and this light is like 3 foot away. ambient temp is 80.
here some moree picts.
ps. from the 5 plants this one is the only one seams to be affected.IMG_1977.jpgIMG_1978.jpgIMG_1980.jpg

...actually no, you can have heat stress just from the ambient temps being too high without light stress which usually cause's bleaching in the leaves.'ll seldom see bleaching from CFLs because the light just isn't intense enough with the caveat that it may still be possible with the extremely high-wattage CFLs, i wouldn't know for sure though because i never used them preferring the 23s and 26s because you can buy an assload more watts per dollar buying the lower wattage bulbs than you get with the high-wattage bulbs.

...i grew under CFLs exclusively for nearly 2 years so i'm very familiar with them. your case i'd not stress over it, just back the light off a little and look to increase your airflow, as i said above, all things considered and judging from looking at just a single leaf, i'd say your problem is very minor and mostly, your plant looks healthy.

peace, bozo


IMG_1981.jpgIMG_1982.jpgIMG_1983.jpgIMG_1984.jpgIMG_1985.jpgIMG_1986.jpgHi guys, Today I found that the problem may be geting worst.I found curling leafts on the lower leaf too.When i water two days ago i didnt see water coming out and I give her like 2 1/2 cups of water with formula plus 1.25 teaspoon of formula to lower the ph from 8.2 to 6.8.


Well-Known Member
...relax man, believe me, it's way hardier than you think, ...actually the number one cause of death in seedlings is new growers killing them with kindness, lol.

...and lift your pots up and gauge the weight, you want to familiarize yourself with how the heft feels when they are just watered and when they are thirsty and at that age and in that sized pot you need a wet/dry cycle of sorts, don't water again until you either see wilting or the pots start to feel light when you lift them.

...this is why i always recommend that new growers learn their chops with free bagseed, ...when i first started out i popped 30 beans and managed to kill them all within 2 weeks and as bad as it felt i just accepted it and popped 30 more, bagseeds are CHEAP, ...anyway, of that second 30 i managed to keep 5 alive and of the 5, 4 turned out female and i grew those 4 females for over a year before buying store-bought genes because i wanted to be sure i could successfully go from seed to adult and i also used that time to get a handle on cloning, if you're gonna be a cultivator you need to know how to clone your plants, there's no getting around it.

...just try to relax and enjoy this experience, no matter how it turns out, because you're learning and if you keep at it pretty soon you'll be doing the thing.

you're paying your dues grasshopper and this is the only way to earn experience, one trial or tribulation at a time.

peace, bozo