Light shining from exhaust window any solutions?


Well-Known Member
Right now I am running a passive exhaust system, only problem is all the light shining out of the window. I need to figure out a way to keep the light from illuminating the window but let air out. Its been around 95 deg here during the days and I was wanting to flip my 12/12 cycle to on at night but cant let the world see a bright beacon on top of the hill in the dead of night!!!! Thanks in advance for any suggestions/solutions.


Well-Known Member
Googled and Binged it with shit results to say the least. One hit sent me to an old RIU thread with an illustration that makes no sense what so ever. Anybody with an idea of how to build on for a box fan?


Well-Known Member
Take a few feet of flexible ducting, spray paint the inside of the ducting flat black, and bend it at a 90 degree angle twice like an "S", and presto no more light leaks. Also here is a google link to light traps for grow rooms, apearently you don't know how to use google, it took all of 10 seconds to find literally hundreds of posts on the subject.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=79b52708a1c23fbe&ion=1&biw=1920&bih=972