Light Question / Will it work


Well-Known Member
Hi all, Im in the middle of my first grow. So far everything seems to be going good. I do however have a question, my plants are getting tall (well the 2 that I have) and I'm getting worried about the light getting to the bottom.:wall: So I came up with an idea of putting a spot light at the base of the 2 plants shining up. I know plants grow towards the light but will this work anyways? Thanks for your help...



Well-Known Member
I would just bend the top down and tye it. That will make all the side branches grow. Eventually they will make 1 big canopy.


Well-Known Member
Where the very top cola has grown into the ceiling, either chop it off or slowly over a few days bend it over so it is under the lights. They are wilting due to the higher level of heat at the top and its vicinity to the CFL ballast ( Which is HOT). Along with that heat the buds will not grow to much, it will be fluffy and light buds, not worth growing. Since the main cola produces up to 10 times the weight of the other secondary colas, it is well advised to either cut it and let the secondaries grow as the mains or LST ( Low Stress Training) and bend that momma over. Otherwise it looks pretty good! +rep to you!


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Because of the space I'm dealing with I don't think I can LST. Also, I don't have the balls to cut the top of the plant off LOL. So my question is, am I better off letting the top coil be close to the particle board that the lights are mounted on or should I lift the lights more and distance the lights from the other coils? Now back to my other question, as you can see I have 2 spotlights at the bottom of the pots. That will help right, or will it cause the plant to grow down? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I am very new at this and want to learn...:leaf:



Well-Known Member
hard to tell from the pic but is there room to have the top cola next to the light but at least 4" away??

other option - lift the fiber board enough for the tall plant then suspend your other lights down below the fiber board.

as for your bottom light, that's fine but if for some reason you're concerned they could also be placed on the side.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I have been thinking about doing. I was also thinking about getting a low profile LED light to put directly on top of the one tall plant. Do you think that will work?


Well-Known Member
Thats what I have been thinking about doing. I was also thinking about getting a low profile LED light to put directly on top of the one tall plant. Do you think that will work?
the scoop on led's is that the cheap ones are worthless and the ones that work are extremely expensive. stick to the cfl's