Light placement...


Active Member
So i\'m about to start my first ever tomato plant and i\'m installing my 26\" floros (all I can afford). Heres the question: If i\'m growing in a tall box can I put my lights on the sides vertically? Or do I have to put them ABOVE the plant initially. Obviously plants grow towards light, but could I swing it? I have four of them. Any input appreciated. Thanks. George.


Well-Known Member
Actually, you need those lights as close to the plant as u can get without if touching at first... but i have experimented with the lights like that before and it wasn't worth the time except for the experience... practice makes perfect, I killed lots of indoor plants on accident @ first... take some pics of your cabinets with the lights in there and i will be able to help you more.


Well-Known Member
I think it's just a general rule that you should always have your lights as close as possible without heat-stressing your plants. Light intensity fades rapidly with any distance. With fluoros this is especially important since they don't produce much light in the first place-- anything more than a few inches away is effectively getting nothing.

Yes, I would use some vertical side lighting if the box is narrow and the plant(s) will be close to the side(s). Otherwise put all the lights on top and tie the plant(s) down (known as 'LST') so that the main stalk is parallel to the lights. Keep all the resulting growth within an inch or so of the lights by either moving the lights or the plants daily.

Don't veg for very long unless you will have a lot more lights for flowering. All the growth more than 6 inches away from lights will be wasted.


Active Member
Make sure your light are directly above your plant to promote a healthy vertical growth, if not they will tend to lean.