light movers?


Well-Known Member
light rails or sun circles? does it affect growth rates when you move the light on and off the plant all day?


Well-Known Member
there would be some change in a plant that has the light moved on and off of it all day throughout the grow cycle but then you can also think of it as you now... a cloudy day or like your plant growing under a big tree.... yes moving the light you may be able to get more plants under it, but if it was stationary and you only raised it up... the plants under it would be strong healthy and tall..... so it depends on what your looking for.


Well-Known Member
so plants under a light mover wouldnt be tall and healthy? i was thinking of getting one of those big darkroom deals and using two rails with 1000 hids . i would move each hid over two 4x4 gardens.


Well-Known Member
how many plants are you doing in 4x4???
I've got 4 in a 2.5 x 2.5 area with a stationary light.......

you will not have to have a light mover...... you want to start your plants off in small pots so you can have your lights lowered to them, then you want to transplant them into bigger pots... you will also want to have some space between your plants for airflow and for your lights to penetrate... if you were trying to light say a 4'x 16' room with a 1000 watt you would need a rail and shit but for your size you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
what im thinking is a 4x4 tray that will be filled with as many plants as will fit with those bigger rockwool cubes. so like 25 plants probably. but i want to do 4 of those 4x4 gardens but i want to do it with only two lights instead of four.


Well-Known Member
go into the grow faq's and read up on lighting... they have how many sq ft a light will do based on the wattage


Well-Known Member
well i know that 1000 watts will do a 4x4 garden. so a light rail will cover two. so the question would be would the light moving back and forth be enough for photosynthesis to be maximized?


Well-Known Member
I use a light rail and I think they work great just due to the fact that light hits more parts of the plants(Lower branches). But I have 6' rails but I only use about 5' of the rail. Depending on how set the motor you can have it pause for as little as a second at each end or have it set for a minute at each end. To do a 8' long area maybe bit of a different story with out extensions on your rail. I say this cause when the light gets to the end of the track and pauses its still only going to hit your plants at the end in the same location instead of say being the middle plants they are getting hit by light on each side as well as the top.


Well-Known Member
what im thinking is a 4x4 tray that will be filled with as many plants as will fit with those bigger rockwool cubes. so like 25 plants probably. but i want to do 4 of those 4x4 gardens but i want to do it with only two lights instead of four.
Light movers are a fantastic device to gain yeild but they can fuk your grow straight up, if you push the envelope too far you will end up with some seriously stretched plants,which is exactly what i did when i first got my movers.

Forget all the sales hype from manufacturers & all the other nonsense people who dont run movers spew,you cant double your floor space using a mover at any time,doing so will allways result in stretched plants,what they are good for is increasing the floor space/grow space by 10% to 20%,this will add to overall yeild by itself.

Another area that the plants benifit from the light movers is this,when the light is moving over most of the grow area that means more plants get maximun light penetration,this results in fatter denser buds,it helps out very much with the lower portion of the plants & can turn the buds that are normally lil shittin ass hash buds into full sized nuggs.

If i had your space & was just setting up i would not use 1,000 watt lights on two movers,what i'd do would be to use 4 600 watt lights along with 4 4ft light movers,the 600 watt lights will give you more than enough light to cover the area you need & the movers will give you max penetration with no stretching at all.

Im going to be switching over to all 600 watt hps in the spring & putting the 1,000 watt lights away.

Unless your running multiple lights from a single mover then in most cases the 6ft movers are too big & result in stretched plants,the 4ft movers are a better choice.

My movers in action.

Left side mover with 600 watt hps.

Center mover with 1,000 watt hps.

Right side mover with 600 watt hps.



Well-Known Member
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Is this what your ultimate goal is? (2) 4x4 gardens and then maybe a little aisle between them? If thats what you want to get then my suggestion(and I could be wrong) if you have some money to play with get two light rails. They normally come with 6' rails. Put a rail above the gardens(in the drawing I made Id have it above the top two and then one above the bottom two). On each light rail Id have two air cooled reflectors with ventilation. The reason for the ventilation is the heat that for MH bulbs are going to put off is going to be pretty warm. If you have the room AC'ed then you can get away without the aircooled. I would use 600 Watt for all this. This is the basic plan Im going with back in my barn. I also like the rails cause I have my plant tops many inches closer to the light than I would be allowed to without it since the light isnt stationary except at the end of rail(I have mine set to pause for about 30 seconds on each end). I also have mine pulling air conditioned air through via inline duct fan and flex duct. Due to that I can put my hand on the glass sheild of the reflector and its only warm, not hot. The lower your light the bushier your plant.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i would go with 3 600s on a sun circle, what you will find with light rails is you can only expand your area by about 20-30% before they stretch, i used to use one and what you get are better developed plants because there are no real spots that are shaded


Well-Known Member
well ya think about it... mj plants naturally grow in the wild (obviously) during the day you've got clouds etc that block light we do our best in doors to simulate mother nature... (lights for sunlight , osc fans for wind , intake for fresh air, exaust remove heat and stale air, humidifiers to raise humidity ... veg cycle lighting to simulate long days of summer, know what i mean ... ?
lol so light movers yes they do help alot... my old setup was 12x12 with 6 1,000 watt lights 3 were on straight movers


Well-Known Member
wont 600 watt give me a smaller yield then the 1000 watts?
If you were running a single 600 vs a single 1,000 then yes you'd get a smaller yeild,running 4 600 watters vs 2 1,000 watters will not give you a smaller yeild.


Well-Known Member
I too am trading in my 1000's for 600's. With less heat you can keep them so much closer. A light rail lets you keep them even closer than when stationary, thus improving yield throughout the plant.


Well-Known Member
I too am trading in my 1000's for 600's. With less heat you can keep them so much closer. A light rail lets you keep them even closer than when stationary, thus improving yield throughout the plant.
that would be one of the reasons why I got rid of my 1000 watters and going to 600 ... :)