Light Fixture Max 60 watts Per socket


Active Member
Hey all, I kinda ran into a snag when
setting up my flowering room. I'm using two
rubber maid containers on top of each other, with
a bathroom light fixture screwed to the top
(i borrowed the idea from someone on the site)

but heres the issue. it says max 60 watts each,
and ive got a splitter in each one. i want to use like
two 43 watt fluorescents but obviously that is over 60.

my question is, could i RE WIRE all the sockets with
a thicker and more insulated wire to handle maybe
80-85 watts per socket?

the cord it is wired to that plugs into the wall is heavy
duty (can handle like 1800 watts) so thats not an issue.

any comments appreciated. thanks :D


Well-Known Member
Take it back. There is one out there that has 100w sockets. You just may have to shop around for it a little bit.


Active Member
yeahh. i just took the old one from
the bathroom so i cant really return it.
(its about a year old) i do have lots of
wire tho, and have very good soldering skills.

guess i just gotta buy a better one haha



Active Member
i bought a plant and aquarium light 40 watts and 1900 lumens and a daylight 40 3050 lumens, 40 watts 6500k color temp what else do i need for veg and what for flowering