Light cycle question.


Well-Known Member
Hello all RIU folks! I've got a question and am hoping some of the more experienced will give me some feedback.

I just realized that during my dark cycle of 18/6 is during the day when I've had the grow tent open and so my vegging plants are not getting complete darkness that some people on here think is essential. The plants are doing fairly well despite this. I was just wondering if maybe since it has been fairly cloudy for the most part, I may get lucky and have no negative affects. I figure I'll change the dark hours to the night time now that I've realized this. Any feedback or guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you really do need to make sure you have total darkness. Better off having your hours of darkness at night. Whether there will be any ill effects? I do not know. I veg with 24h lights. So effectively you are doing the same, if the plants are not in total darkness.


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Staff member
I don't think thats a serious issue in Veg, however during flowering it is critical that the dark period is really dark.


Well-Known Member
Or for an easy transition you could just go 24 for veg than right to 12/12 and do that at night. This way you wont have any confusing changes like you would swapping the 18/6 from day to night.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the information. I did switch the timer for the lights to go off at 11 pm and come back on a 5 am for now. We'll see how it goes. I need some more veg time, I think. I'll post the pics of today and you can let me know what you all think. I have one Brainstorm and three Northern Lights #5 x Haze. I have them under a 400 w hps now in about a 4'x2'5' grow tent. I put some ventilation and exhaust in but I'm going to probably add a carbon filter soon. Happy growing!:peace:



Well-Known Member
looking great, you can switch to 12/12 now if you want the plants look old enough[/quote

i've been trying hard not to screw things up. testing ph, ppm, temps. i think the voodoo juice is helping. the nl#5 x haze leaves are huge. i'm thinking if i don't veg soon they're going to be hitting the top of my tent unless i bend them a bit, gonna figure that out real soon. well, thanks for checking out my grow, come back anytime.

WB is me


Well-Known Member
Well, its official, turned the lights out at 7:30 pm and will turn them back on at 7:30 am. That way, I can open the growtent and let them be cooler during the lights on. The Brainstorm is from a feminized seed and the nl#5xhaze don't know the sex yet. We shall see. Such excitement, I love it.

Happy growing all! Stay tuned...:peace:


Well-Known Member
I did switch to 12/12 last week, today is only 6 though, so still not seeing signs of sex in the nl#5 x haze plants. The Brainstorm is a feminized seed. Also, in Genfranco's style, I tied my brainstorm plant down a bit. I didn't bend them much, just drilled some holes in the pot and attached them down with twist tie things.

Oh, and Genfranco, if you read this, about your avatar, it wasn't the religious thing, it was the "c" word, that offended me.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
:weed:thanx! fellow grower! nice to have you aboard. i'll be updating soon. my brainstorm plant is starting to flower. can't wait to see those get big.


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering some other things, and was hoping maybe i could get someone experienced to help me again. that would be real nice.

any way, my first question is about humidity. my last grows i didn't really take the humidity level in consideration, but i want to be more careful this time. where i live, it gets very humid in the summer months and i'm just wondering if i should get a dehumidifier. does anyone know whether or not this would be worth the expense? I mean, with regard to an increase in yield as well as decrease in potential for problems, i.e. mold etc.

another thing i was wondering, my nl #5 x haze plants haven't shown signs of sex and it will be two weeks into 12/12 light cycle on Thursday. how long does it usually take to show sex? I have three and I'd really like to know if any are males.

thanks and happy growing all!:peace: