light change question


Will changing light to 12/12 on week 2 in order to do a 12/12 from seed like fashion harm any thing? Day time heat is my issue and the light will stay at 12/12 till finish in order to prevent heat damage.


its not going to send them into flower mode this early is it? i read people 12/12 from seed taking several months to begin. but its a jump from 24/7 to 12/12 idknow


Well-Known Member
its not going to send them into flower mode this early is it? i read people 12/12 from seed taking several months to begin. but its a jump from 24/7 to 12/12 idknow
They wont flower until your ready for them to flower. All you have to do is say, 'flower now brown cow' when your ready for them to flower. Light schedule has nothing to do with it.......:roll: Of course transistion and flowering will follow the change to 12/12......


Well-Known Member
When growing 12/12 from seed the plants start flowering in 3 weeks so if your plants are 2 weeks old and you switch to 12/12 now they'll start flowering in a week.