Light burn?

Not light burn, 150 w HPS isn't that bright. Looks like heat burn to me. You see how the top leaves are curled and discolored while the bottom ones look darker and better? Hows the ventilation of the heat from your plants?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
That looks like heat stress to me.
Ventilation is key.Without it your plants will suffer and or die.

din'e medicine

Active Member
i give it fresh air everyday with a fan circulating air from the air conditioner into my closet as much as i can. I think the light was just too close. The temp with light on is 80 degrees and off is 70 degrees. Humidity is from 40-50%.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
i give it fresh air everyday with a fan circulating air from the air conditioner into my closet as much as i can. I think the light was just too close. The temp with light on is 80 degrees and off is 70 degrees. Humidity is from 40-50%.
Those are great temps+humidity.
You need a more reliable form of ventilation.
You should focus more on getting the old air out then getting new air in.


Well-Known Member
that girl looks just fine you just need to move your hps further away maybe 10-14 inches away
do you have a reflector lol (duh)