light and space


Well-Known Member
What do u think about the light and space in my closet. Its 5,5 feets high, 2 feets long and 2 feets wide (2f x 2f x 5,5f). I have 400W hps lamp there and walls are bright white. That should be enough for a good growth, right? (for 1 or max 2 plants)

:smile: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have almost the exact same size, except mines around 8 foot tall. I also have a 400 watt, and yes it will be plenty for 2 to 4 plants, exp if you can add some additional lighting, such as a few CFL's or a small FL at the bottom, or on the side.
We will have to keep in touch to track how each other are doing,
Are you growing in soil?
What is your light/dark hours?
How often you water?


Well-Known Member
well... atm I have 1 plant under 2 fluorecents :mrgreen: the plant is 25cm high and I have been growing it for like 6 weeks. lol yeah, fluorecents arent the best way to veg :lol: (I attached a picture of my plant) but somewhere in next week I will buy PPP feminized seeds and a 400W hps. Then I have 2 plants growing there :)
Yep Im growing in soil.
Going with 18/6 and rarely 24/0.
And I water in about every 3 or 4 days ^^ if I feel soil is dry under 1 inch of soil :)

And thats pretty good idea to add my 2 fluorecents to 400W hps.
My humidity is between 40 and 60% and temp stays between 75 and 82F atm with my fan blowing fresh air in. I know if I put hps there temp is gonna increase but Ill get 1 more vent there aswell ;)

stay tuned! :peace:


Well-Known Member

Yea I made a mistake :S it got over-fertilized. Some of the leaves got burned. Should I cut them off or they are ok..what do u think? Cant wait for the new "real" grow :)


Well-Known Member
I would leave those leaves on until they get yellow. I have burned a couple leaves and i just left them on. Some will take a week or better to go yellow. Sometimes they wont at all.


Well-Known Member
they have been yellow 2 weeks already as u can see at the picture :) I flushed my plant imediately if I saw some wierd burned spots on my leaves. I hope it didnt do much harm to my plant :) does this plant look for a fluorecent grow? I was pretty noob when I started to grow it :D and btw I have been growin it just with my 2x 35W fluorecents :lol:


Well-Known Member
Never cut your fan leaves off! They store nutrients the plant will need, not to mention perform the photosynthesis you need...cutting fan leaves off will slow growth. Your plant looks awesome Brunox and will only get better when you get that light on it. 400wHPS over a 2x2 space is 100w per square foot, that has the potential for killer yields. Look into SOG (Sea Of Green) or LST (Low Stress Training) They can really make the full use of the light you have, it essentially concentrates the light on only the buds. Good Luck with the grow, I hope you start a journal...I'd like to follow along :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hehe :) guys thank u so much.. I feel much better now about my plant :) now I feel like I still have a hope to grow a nice plant!


Well-Known Member
nice mabey I should make a journal too :) I think about it.
how old is ur plant now?
Mine is growing pretty slowly..I think its because of my light..I've been growing it since 1.february or something like that.


Well-Known Member
nice mabey I should make a journal too :) I think about it.
how old is ur plant now?
Mine is growing pretty slowly..I think its because of my light..I've been growing it since 1.february or something like that.
mine are going onto 4 months now, feel free to leave comments right now, if you do I'll keep an eye out on it, once I get the hang of taking clones then I'll start a serous Journal to enter



Well-Known Member
If its a sunny day.. should I put my plant near to the window to get sunlight till I get my 400W hps? Is it worth it? I think sunlight is better than 2x fluorescents :D what do u think?


Well-Known Member
Yeah the sun will only help it. If you move her into sunlight can you move your FL right along with her?
I'd like to see a pic of your whole setup, just to compare to my closet setup.


Well-Known Member
The problem is.. if I move it into sunlight near the window.. humidity is around 25% there. But if I keep it in my closet with fluorecents, humidity stays between 40 and 60%.

The question is: is it still worth it?

thanks for the response :)