lifetime of the cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Im just curious.. whats the lifetime of the cannabis? can u really grow it like 5 years? when does it stop growing or smth..?



Well-Known Member
depends where you are.

Close to the equator you could grow your plant nonstop.
But in colder areas she will die at the end, unless you play god.


Well-Known Member
Ummm,,,maybe Hit The Faq, Section For That One...i Can Amagin That If Prop. Taken Care Of A Long Life Cycle Could Be Obtained, It Is A Weed...dbb.
Just My Thoughts.:)


Well-Known Member
Heard of people who re-veg for years. This is only practical with large plants ( 5 feet and above) because it will take less time to veg a plant to 1 foot (will finish flowering at about 2-3 feet). So if you have a grow room instead of a grow box and you want a tree rather than a plant, then re vegging is the way forward.


Well-Known Member
hehe :) I was just curious...I dont think Im planning to grow a tree cuz thats more like a closet where Im growing :)
but thanks anyway


Well-Known Member
Hey, i was born in the caribean, we used to gorilla grow for cash cropping, we used afghan and also jamaican,about 30 trees, i've had trees for 2 and more years, so long as dey r in the dry part of the island dey seem to keep going, we used to just cut off finished buds and den new branches wud cum out of that cut, den it wud end up with more buds from that stop and that cycle used to just keep going, so long as the tree was watered at least twice a week it would stay in that cycle, i've actually never had a tree die unless it was stolen(happened alot) or if i killed it myself


Well-Known Member
Well, the afghan usually stood at anywhere from 3 feet to 6, and the jamaican usually stood at 6, i had a few that looked like they wouldnt stop growing, had one reach 15 feet, i chopped it at about 6 feet and then tried growing the cut off part, it grew, also we had a really fucking killer strain, we call it vincy, its from st.vincent, that was usually the prize ganga back home, and for it to actually start budding it took months, but when it did, it grew buds slowly and they were strong as fuck, that strain i would say is up to the standard of some hard shit i've had here on holland, its amazing, one bad thing is that not many know of that strain besides us back home, but ye most of them were usually 6 feet, we never left them go any higher incase we got caught


Well-Known Member
Well we would cut some branches which in turn made more branches grow out of it, so eventually you end up wit a bushy plant and tons of tiny buds, biggest bud i ever had was a main cola almost 2 feet long and both my hands barely got around the thickest part, after it dried it went to less but who cares, we wud chop it up and get leaves in their too, ppl back home smoke leaves and bud alike so it was never a prob