Liberal Corporations Are The Problem


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Or so it seems. I guess that is why it was smelling rather Musky at Twitter. Or at least some thought it was. But then, they just did not realize how Musky it could get. All a matter of perspective you could say. On the newest front, The Right can fight back, one purchase at a time. To make the world, a more crueller, harsher world. I think.

New credit card for conservatives launched
A group of high-profile conservatives have joined together to launch a new credit card that they hope will attract like-minded consumers who believe mainstream companies are too liberal.

“Coign,” will operate as a Visa card, but portions of merchant fees will go toward conservative causes. It was announced Tuesday with a website touting its potential to create “conservative commerce,” urging interested customers to join a waitlist. It’s unclear when cards might be issued.

“Too many corporations are investing their customers’ money in political and social priorities that align with their executives, the media, and the Left’s agenda,” said Rob Collins, Coign’s founder, in a news release. “For the first time, the Coign card will allow conservatives to ‘Spend Right’ no matter where they shop.”

In addition to Collins, who formerly served as executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and was a long-time chief of staff to former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), others who have teamed up on the card include former Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) and former top aides and advisers to GOP lawmakers.

According to a news release from the company, cardholders will be able to vote for which conservative causes receive donations from their transactions.