Letter To My Representative


Well-Known Member
here is a letter that i wrote to my representative urging him and his fellow reps to introduce and push a MMJ law here in nebraska. please tell me what you think, what/if anything that should be added or taken out, etc etc.

Hi, my name is *real name*. I'm writing you today to urge you to introduce a bill that will protect the users of Medical Marijuana under state law. There are many people in this great state of ours that use marijuana,in order to relieve debilitating pain and illness. I myself suffer from anxiety, depression, intermittent back pain, as well as have trouble sleeping. In the past, I have been prescribed Prozac, Wellbutrin, and even Adderall to try and help me with these problems, but none of them worked. I used to be completely against marijuana, only because of the miseducation of students in the public school system. Recently, I took it upon myself to FULLY educate myself about marijuana, and I as well as hundreds of thousands of US citizens have come to the conclusion that while it is categorized as a Schedule 1 drug by the DEA (mind you, this is the same category as Heroin), it is less harmful to your body than cigarettes and even alcohol. Recently, I have started using marijuana as a way to relieve the previous said symptoms, and I have found that it is exponentially more effective in relieving not only MY symptoms, but as well as symptoms of other debilitating and sometimes even life threatening diseases than any other prescribed drug that I have taken. I would like you to imagine for a just a second that a loved one of yours has just been diagnosed with a type of cancer and has been put on chemo. Now, I would like you to try and find a completely organic drug that will not only relieve your loved ones physical pain, but also decrease their nausea and increase their appetite WITHOUT any side-effects whatsoever. Marijuana can do ALL of this. Here is a link to a video that I hope will strike you as hard as it did me. Please just take a couple minutes and watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEOoa6Q4Bds

In closing, I would just like you to know that this letter is not coming from just some "hippy pothead", but rather a very well mannered, clean cut and open-minded individual. If you have gotten to this point of the letter, I would just like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter and hope that you will push this for all of the people that so desperately need it.


*real name*

pikes peak 69

Well-Known Member
I say that that is a good start. Now try to get everyone you know to send something as well.
There is power in numbers.

Good Luck with your fight/cause.



Well-Known Member
you admitted to using marijuana in the email , they can trace that email back to you, are you not worried about being busted????


Active Member
you admitted to using marijuana in the email , they can trace that email back to you, are you not worried about being busted????
It's that paranoid mindset that's going to lose us the drug war, I think that introducing yourself, and not sounding like an uneducated gorilla, and telling them why you think cannabis is relatively harmless, and even admitting using it is a good way to let lawmakers know just how pressing this issue is, and maybe it will help all those bills (one that has been in Congress since early last year and still hasn't been voted on) move a little more quickly...

and not being afraid to tell people, because after all... it isn't the worst thing in the world, and I know a lot of congressmen and women who have used cannabis in the past.. so it's not like they're going to complile a list of all these emails and fax them to the DEA...

I actually e-mailed the office of the chief of police in Seattle (the one obama wants as his 'drug czar') with an email similar to this one, SO yeah... I think talking about it like its normal, and not some social taboo is your best bet.

Good job on the letter, see if you can get other people to write in as well from your state.. and when it gets warmer set up a table on a busy street corner (if you live in the city...... also check with your state offices if you need a permit, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't) with handouts with the real facts about cannabis, and try to get a lot of people to sign a petition that you can bring your rep in person.


Well-Known Member
so SURPRISINGLY, i actually got an email back. heres what it said:

Hi xxxx,

Thank you for contacting Senator Haar to voice your opinions about
medical Marijuana. I have forwarded your message on to him. We have had
quite a few constituents writing us about legalizing marijuana, so I
have had time to sit-down and discuss this issue with Senator Haar.
Although he agrees that prohibition is usually much more costly than it
is effective, he believes that there is no way a bill would pass in
Nebraska to legalize medical marijuana; right now this state is way to
conservative. Maybe the climate will change in the next few years with
the Obama administration.

Anna Wishart
Administrative Assistant
Senator Haar - District 21