Let's Talk About Freedom


New Member
people in a civilization choose a governor for themselves for two reasons:

1) protection from inside sources disturbing the peace.
2) protection from outside sources disturbing the peace.

in the case of the U.S., freedom originally meant that the citizens lived their lives with very little interference from the governing body WHILE they were fulfilling those two obligations.

why? because the authors of the constitution saw first hand how an imperialistic government attempts to own & control everything in it's borders. they wanted to tell the governing body to 'do your job and stay the fuck out of our lives.'

that is freedom to me. allow citizens the right to live as they wish as long as their actions do not overstep another person's rights, with no one looking over our shoulders. in other words, live responsibly without being forced to. admittedly, the majority of people are too easily corrupted for this system to work. someone will take advantage of the system.


Well-Known Member
stop thinking and experienc freedom NOW..


and the other post before that... than we are all free? always all the time forever everyone?
except people in jail and stuff like that?
Imean yea I can go out and drive at 145, or smoke a blunt in front of a poliece station... but theirs always people trying to arrest you... thats not freedom. but I do see what you are saying... that we are free to do as we please... if you dont get caught?
man I'm trying to be free... but its hard... :evil:
cops... bastards... they are supost to help people live there lifes freely... but all it seems to me they do is cause feer and prblems for people. they love arresting kids too... I mean come on what the hell are you putting people under 18 in handcuffs for. thats not right. :evil:


New Member
and the other post before that... than we are all free? always all the time forever everyone?
except people in jail and stuff like that?
Imean yea I can go out and drive at 145, or smoke a blunt in front of a poliece station... but theirs always people trying to arrest you... thats not freedom. but I do see what you are saying... that we are free to do as we please... if you dont get caught?
man I'm trying to be free... but its hard... :evil:
cops... bastards... they are supost to help people live there lifes freely... but all it seems to me they do is cause feer and prblems for people. they love arresting kids too... I mean come on what the hell are you putting people under 18 in handcuffs for. thats not right. :evil:
yeah, that's not the first disconnected answer from GK.

freedom is faith...another one. please.

at most, freedom is a state of mind. even someone in jail, if he has a solid conviction and frame of mind, can be free in spirit.

but that's not the freedom that most of us want to experiance. we want a government that lets us live in peace. peace in our community and peace around the world. AND QUIT STEALING OUR FUCKING MONEY WITH YOUR ILLEGAL TAXES, BITCHES!!!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
people in a civilization choose a governor for themselves for two reasons:

1) protection from inside sources disturbing the peace.
2) protection from outside sources disturbing the peace.

in the case of the U.S., freedom originally meant that the citizens lived their lives with very little interference from the governing body WHILE they were fulfilling those two obligations.

why? because the authors of the constitution saw first hand how an imperialistic government attempts to own & control everything in it's borders. they wanted to tell the governing body to 'do your job and stay the fuck out of our lives.'

that is freedom to me. allow citizens the right to live as they wish as long as their actions do not overstep another person's rights, with no one looking over our shoulders. in other words, live responsibly without being forced to. admittedly, the majority of people are too easily corrupted for this system to work. someone will take advantage of the system.
RIGHT RIGHT.. and now we have nuclear BOMBs to protect our freedom.. ..

If freedom requires protection and defending.. then that is the first sign ONE is being duped... Freedom requires NO protection..

And further more.. the people who "started this country" had slaves... They new nothing about freedom.. ... the slaves negate pretty much your entire post..

And one more thing....



Well-Known Member
Freedom in the US is for the ones that can afford it. If you're rich or famous you can get out of it most times. If you're poor that's not the case.


Well-Known Member
havent read the rest of the thread so maybe im a little behind, but...

Rousseau famously stated in his social contract that one gives up natural freedoms (ability to roam, forage, kill, do want you want basically), for civil freedoms within a social environment where youre (supposed to be) protected by various institutions and offered various prospects. makes sense in theory, but not so much in practice...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The rich are not free... or al least the rich I know are not fre.. they are the ones who have the least freedom.... it is actually sad....

They are trapped under the SAME desires as the poor... they just do it in air conditioned rooms...

And most dont even know they are rich....



Well-Known Member
Ironically, people that complain about lack of freedom ,(due to bills and social obligations like work, school, mortgage and the like) ,dont realize that they voulunterely gave cirtain freedoms up in exchange for cirtain social and phisical comforts...


Well-Known Member
and i quote sistas with voices: free your mind/and the rest will follow
This is the most solid answer. They say money doesn't buy you happiness, but it can buy you freedom. Rich is in the mind not the wallet. If I was a weathly person I would have the freedon to drive 140mph where vever I wanted cause moneyis nothing and I would simply pay the ticket if I were caught. Years ago the fine for driving here without a licence was very low. So ppl would drive without saving more money then what It would cost to pay for em if they got caught.


Well-Known Member
I dont remember volenteraly doing anything like that... I just asked to be left alone completly... I mean we dont even have the option of living a self reliant life. you dont have the option to build your own house and grow and raise your own food and just take care of yourself.


Well-Known Member
Than what is stopping you guys? I know people that are doing just that right now! Yeah sure you will have to save for a year or so but than you can buy some land and start your dream...Of course for the first few years you will have to give up some luxuries like runing water, heat, indoor plumming , phone, internet, electricity, but in the long run it is well worth it....

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Ironically, people that complain about lack of freedom ,(due to bills and social obligations like work, school, mortgage and the like) ,dont realize that they voulunterely gave cirtain freedoms up in exchange for cirtain social and phisical comforts...

exactly.... AND I USE the word COMFORT very loosely...

MOst of the freedom people loose is from protecting SHIT... protecting their identity... like the brother said... just free you mind... and the truth will set you free...

or you can keep defending YOUR misery and defending your ignorance by attacking others and putting other people down in order to KEEP your fragile little head space safe...



Well-Known Member
fragile little headspace safe. how insightful... nah really. I;m totaly lost here... I should have shut up long ago... but... I didnt... and... yea shit just went downhill...
but you still have to pay property taxs


Well-Known Member
Dude, depending where you buy your taxes can be as low as 400$ a year, considering you gana need roads to get to your land its not a bad deal...