Let's Talk About Cleaning


Well-Known Member
I can't get a toothbrush inside mine (similar to one pictured), but mouthwash swished around with a bit of hot water got rid of almost all the loose particles.


Well-Known Member
I use hot water with a little iso and a bunch of salt for abrasiveness.
If you just want to add abrasive to your hot hot water, use salt or rice.
Then shake shake shake.
rinse and repeat until you are happy.
Qtips and pipe cleaners and bottle brushes also.
I love iso though, a 500ml bottle lasts many cleanings in my world.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Get the glass hot with hot water. Dump all the hot water out and use 91% iso and .99 bottle brushes that come in 4 packs all different sizes from the dollar store

Shouldn't even need the brushes unless it's caked on there super good and you're in a hurry, other wise just let it sit covered and the iso will do work.


Well-Known Member
i use isopropyl alcohol 99%
I assume it is same as or is rubbing alcohol
Buy 500 ml bottles in the drug store for about five bucks
Ans yes, just rinse really well.


Well-Known Member
Just running hot water through it will take nearly 100% of it off.
Then just rinse it with a bit of ISO and its clean.
Air dry and its good to go....


Well-Known Member
Yea sorry..
As for the iso thing. Just thought id clarify, rubbing alcohol is often denatured and may contain harmful or distasteful compounds
It is 50-70% to reduce skin irritation and wont clean quite as good. The product sold as isopropanol is pure and 91-99%
I use safeway brand a gallon about $8 at my local randalls(pint bottles however, i buy alot)

I say this because ive known many "poor" folk to collect that resin soaked iso and light a bowl of it on fire. Quickly reduces leaving scrapable and smokeable res


Well-Known Member
I rinse my pipes and stuff out at least once a week with just HOT running water, takes out 90% of the heavy stuff. Once a month I use grain alcohol and coarse salt to clean mine. I bought a 1.75L over a year ago and still have most of it. I'll soak my stuff in it for a few hours/overnight to loosen the crap up, put some coarse salt in and shake it. I keep the used alcohol in another bottle and reuse it for a rough cleaning, then use the new stuff to finish cleaning it. I'm not a fan of ISO because of the residue it leaves behind.

c ray

Well-Known Member
glass is microporous and will hold onto some things for a long time (pickle stink for instance).. a reason for those who care not to use carcinogenic substances


Well-Known Member
It evaporates clean, ive reduced 5 gallons of the one i use.
But i normally rinse the iso out with water
Yes, residue. I worked in qusi-clean room environment, we couldn't use ISO to clean because it left a oily residue on our granite plates and glass we used for measurements and we could measure the residue buildup a times, we were measuring down to the micron level in some instances. We had to use distilled acetone in order to clean them because it evaporates clean. The granite plates out on the production floor had to be cleaned a couple times a year because they used ISO on those and they would get a gummy buildup on them after 6 months or so from the residue buildup. It's not much of a residue that's left on our bowls,etc and it washes off with soap and water. I just use Ethyl alcohol as a personal choice, i try to keep all my growing/smoking products food safe, I'm weird like that.


Well-Known Member
Isopropyl and isopropanol are the same thing according to a quick Google search. I used to believe the two were different substances also.


Well-Known Member
Its not that they are different substances but usually called one or the other depending concentration..Isopropanol and isopropyl alcohol are the same thing

At most pharmacies there will be 70 and 91% that's clean and only iso. Next to it will be rubbing, usually only one is carried and most are green to prevent the confusion where ive worked. Its labeled pretty clearly. over 70% can irritate skin and isn't recommended topically but for cleaning, why the name changes. Its purpose is to evaporate quickly and leave no residue like for electronic chips and such.. so generally over 70% is clean iso and not denatured rubbing...
As for the acetone it does actually contain some nasties even on the cleanest and highest grade. I had to use isopropanol as a compound/nuclear pharmacist for many years. As i said reducing 5 gallons wont leave a measurable amount or visible residue. The components of which i would be very interested in. Could you describe this residue in detail? Its an efficient hydration of propene and nothing nasty is created in the process unlike acetone. Glass does hold onto some things in a way, your right but there wont be a smell or taste once dry.. if its below ppm sensory thresholds its perfectly safe to inhale. But a quick rinse with water washes away residues