Let's put the Bill Clinton legacy to rest for good in this forum.


New Member
Your full of shit (as you say, what a pant load) and printing Revisionist History Vi.
Here is right off of the Heritage Foundation's own Website.
Yes Clinton Signed it into law, but it was Reagan's Idea.
It was the the Republicans in the congress and the senate who drew up the papers and voted it in, Clinton just signed the papers.
The North American Free Trade Agreement: Ronald Reagan's Vision Realized

Your Argument is weak vi.
If he didn't agree with it, he wouldn't haved signed it. You make the presient sound weak. But he's not.

He was just following orders. He did exactly what the rich men who put him into power wanted. Just like every other bought and paid for politition.

Wake the fuck up, people.


New Member
If he didn't agree with it, he wouldn't haved signed it. You make the presient sound weak. But he's not.

He was just following orders. He did exactly what the rich men who put him into power wanted. Just like every other bought and paid for politition.

Wake the fuck up, people.
Yeah, I know you're right, but he was a ton better than Bush. Hell he was at least a man and instead of starting a war and killing hundreds of thousands, he got a 21 year old intern to blow him, and got impeached, like what Bush has done doesn't warrant impeachment.


New Member
I think Bush aggreed to be the fall guy of this war action 'they' wanted to push thru. Who cares what his popularity poles show, if this 'new world order' is going to happen, why not get into the history books? It's his bit of immortality.

Clinton did his part too. (But he wasn't impeached, dude.) If the ruling parties have their way, Hillary will be in the White House soon, and then both will have their immortality, as well.

I'm just hoping that it backfires. I'm hoping they push too far with this president and a change for the better will occur after the public realizes that there's only one puppet master behind players of both parties.

America may not have the brain power to wake up, though. Too many are fooled by this 'two party' system.


New Member
I think Bush aggreed to be the fall guy of this war action 'they' wanted to push thru. Who cares what his popularity poles show, if this 'new world order' is going to happen, why not get into the history books? It's his bit of immortality.

Clinton did his part too. (But he wasn't impeached, dude.) If the ruling parties have their way, Hillary will be in the White House soon, and then both will have their immortality, as well.

I'm just hoping that it backfires. I'm hoping they push too far with this president and a change for the better will occur after the public realizes that there's only one puppet master behind players of both parties.

America may not have the brain power to wake up, though. Too many are fooled by this 'two party' system.
Yeah he was impeached, they just didn't follow through and remove him from office, but the record books say impeached.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, ill be the one to kill you when you get thier money cuz then you will be the rich prick:mrgreen:


anyway its sounds all fine and dandy to tax the rich but your not looking at the big picture, by taxing the rich even more it makes the economy crash and hence you will lose your jobs, those of you who have one, and will put more people on unemployment and welfare checks causing you crazy cooks to wanna tax the rich some more:mrgreen:, untill everone is getting checks from the gov even the rich cuz they will be broke now and the government will just hold all our money adn piece meal it out to use for food stamps. sounds like a great idea guys,

wait a min, why dont you guys just move to Cuba, I heard the government takes care of everything over there, maybe you can go see what its like for your daughter to have sex with somone for a pack of cigeretts.

take a carton with you, you will get laid the whole time you are there.:blsmoke:

nothin more awe inspiring than seeing a young lady sucking cock so her kids dont starve. I think thats the proud america we need.
Wait a minute! Who told you that taxing the rich will make the economy crash? That is such a mith, look at me and you, we make lets just say 30000 a year , pay our 50% in taxes and still go to work year after year...Now some of theese assholes make 10 mil a year , so they might have to pay 5, but I will bet you they will be back at work, and if they wont , there are thousands who would kill to take theyr place...oh and by the way getting a devorce and collecting the stamps is the way to go, I dont know how we would survive without it, the way I look at it , I'm just getting some of my money back.


Well-Known Member
hey, i thought this would be a good place to insert some reality...

here are the actual, real tax schedules with no democrat spin doctoring.

now maybe we can move on past the myth that rich people are taxed less than poor and The Man is just trying to keep a brotha down, etc., etc...

(brace yourself)
2006 Federal Tax Rate Schedules



New Member
Yeah he was impeached, they just didn't follow through and remove him from office, but the record books say impeached.
what a bunch of hypocritical, narrow minded fools in this country. asleep, blind, oblivious and apathetic. it's like the government is serving them shit on a plate to eat, and their complaining about the silverware.


New Member
hey, i thought this would be a good place to insert some reality...

here are the actual, real tax schedules with no democrat spin doctoring.

now maybe we can move on past the myth that rich people are taxed less than poor and The Man is just trying to keep a brotha down, etc., etc...

2006 Federal Tax Rate Schedules.
yeah, the rich get taxed more, on paper. a couple of points, though...

many of the rich are buisness owners, or in some other way incorporate themselves to widdle down their earnings to pay far less taxes then they are responsible for. fair enough, if you're smart. but middle class paychecks from one source of income do not have that option.

but mainly, the problem with the current tax system is it is an unfair burden to the middle class.

40% tax of $1 million/yr is still $600,000 take-home. you're not starving.

20% tax of $60,000/yr is $48,000 take-home. dude, that's pennys these days. with housing & kids & cars, mom is going to have to find a full-time job just to make ends meet.

it is wrong to tax peoples income and it is illegal, according to the constitution. the fair tax is the way to go.


New Member
hey, i thought this would be a good place to insert some reality...

here are the actual, real tax schedules with no democrat spin doctoring.

now maybe we can move on past the myth that rich people are taxed less than poor and The Man is just trying to keep a brotha down, etc., etc...

(brace yourself)
2006 Federal Tax Rate Schedules

You must realize that the guy who made 336,550, got to keep 241,894, a tidy sum I'd say.


Well-Known Member
You must realize that the guy who made 336,550, got to keep 241,894, a tidy sum I'd say.
yeah, he got to keep almost 2 thirds of his earnings.... the rest goes to be wasted on wars, salaries for people that work 4 weeks out of the year, spent on a giant hole in a desolate mountain, and bridges to nowhere.



New Member
yeah, he got to keep almost 2 thirds of his earnings.... the rest goes to be wasted on wars, salaries for people that work 4 weeks out of the year, spent on a giant hole in a desolate mountain, and bridges to nowhere.

I get everything but the giant hole in the desolate mountain thing, WTF is that?



New Member
A man should be able to keep every cent of the fruit of his labors. He should have the use of every penny to spend, save or invest. His personal choice.

If we have any individual federal tax liability, it should be on a voluntary basis only ... like a tax on consumption. Let's put the tax bite out in the open where everyone can see it.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If you Bill Clinton supporters won't believe those of us who continue to tell the you truth about the sociopath known as Bill Clinton, here's Bill Clinton stripped naked by the American Socialist Worker's Party. Have fun reading it. Hopefully, as a result, your cemented brain cells will finally become objective again:
do you have any friends... besides me?

cause talking to you sucks.. read what you wrote...

you start your conversation with presuppositions.. you stand on such a high horse that it gives me a nose bleed to imagine the close mindedness and arrogance that propels and maintains the insecurities of such an individual.. LOL

and then you close your sentence with a ... if you don't get my point you're an idiot.. kinda statement... is that suppose to be concincing.. casue all it is is revealing about your complete inability to transform, to evolve, to learn...

you know, there were creatures that use to crawl on the bottom of the ocean.. there ass was in front of their mouth.. so every time they shit, they would then role of their own feces with their mouth and eat their own shit... this creature evolved and moved its mouth in front of its anus.. you to can evolve my friend... or you can keep eating your own shit...

cheers :)


New Member
Neuclear waste storage facility, they are building it in your state MED.
Oh that giant hole, I thought you might mean that one Yeah, I think the citizens of Nevada ought to get paid for harboring all the other states waste. I'd say about 20K a year per adult resident. (Residency to be proven for at least ten years, [power bills etc]). I could use an extra 20 K a year, ~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
If thats the case Med I am mouving next door to you, I can use some cool neghbours anyway...Always good to see you GK. Oh shit Med why do I have to wait 10 years if they havent built it yet?


New Member
do you have any friends... besides me?

cause talking to you sucks.. read what you wrote...

you start your conversation with presuppositions.. you stand on such a high horse that it gives me a nose bleed to imagine the close mindedness and arrogance that propels and maintains the insecurities of such an individual.. LOL

and then you close your sentence with a ... if you don't get my point you're an idiot.. kinda statement... is that suppose to be concincing.. casue all it is is revealing about your complete inability to transform, to evolve, to learn...

you know, there were creatures that use to crawl on the bottom of the ocean.. there ass was in front of their mouth.. so every time they shit, they would then role of their own feces with their mouth and eat their own shit... this creature evolved and moved its mouth in front of its anus.. you to can evolve my friend... or you can keep eating your own shit...

cheers :)
Excellent rebutal to the article I posted, GK. I love you. :)

Now then, with that said, did you have anything of value to say regarding the actual article itself? You must have SOMETHING to say if you think Bill Clinton is "cool."
