Let's play "Rate Your Presidents!"

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Well-Known Member


President Reagan fails to recognize his only black Cabinet member, Housing Secretary Samuel Pierce, at a White House reception for big‑city mayors. “How are you, Mr. Mayor?” he greets Pierce. “I’m glad to meet you. How are things in your city?”
8/13/81 President Reagan takes time out from his summer vacation at his home in Santa Barbara, California – which is oddly called a “ranch” though no livestock or crops are raised there – to sign the largest budget and tax cuts in history into law. When his dog wanders by, a reporter asks its name. “Lassie,” the President replies, then corrects himself. “Millie!” he says. “Millie. Millie’s her name.” Everyone laughs and laughs, because it’s just so funny when someone forgets his own dog’s name and confuses her with a movie dog.



Well-Known Member
OK moderators (i.e. scum of the fucking earth), please delete this thread...it has denegrated into a pissing contest...not what I intended...
it's denigrate, by the way.

"nancy, bring me a toy airplane and some string to clean up this poop"



Active Member


President Reagan fails to recognize his only black Cabinet member, Housing Secretary Samuel Pierce, at a White House reception for big‑city mayors. “How are you, Mr. Mayor?” he greets Pierce. “I’m glad to meet you. How are things in your city?”
8/13/81 President Reagan takes time out from his summer vacation at his home in Santa Barbara, California – which is oddly called a “ranch” though no livestock or crops are raised there – to sign the largest budget and tax cuts in history into law. When his dog wanders by, a reporter asks its name. “Lassie,” the President replies, then corrects himself. “Millie!” he says. “Millie. Millie’s her name.” Everyone laughs and laughs, because it’s just so funny when someone forgets his own dog’s name and confuses her with a movie dog.

Like I said, you've made it a pissing contest. My bladder is at least as big as yours, bit I just emptied it, so i defer to you, sir.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, you've made it a pissing contest. My bladder is at least as big as yours, bit I just emptied it, so i defer to you, sir.
lol @ you and reagan.

"nancy, the teleprompter makes no mention of me pooping in the bath tub last night"



Active Member
Well Buck, I would expect quitters like you to be adverserial to someone like me who honestly tried in good faith to help you...and be friendly...you chose to escalate this thread to a pissing contest, and I guess you win...but what consulation is that to you?...if any, then I feel more sorry for you than I ever have...


Well-Known Member
Well Buck, I would expect quitters like you to be adverserial to someone like me who honestly tried in good faith to help you...and be friendly...you chose to escalate this thread to a pissing contest, and I guess you win...but what consulation is that to you?...if any, then I feel more sorry for you than I ever have...

thanks for making your private butthurt public material now. real classy.


Well-Known Member
Classlessness has never been my intention...
lol, i'm sure that classiness was the intention of your "muslims" thread. or the "homosexuality is abnormal" thread. just trying to be a classy guy.

good luck selling that one.

Of course, the biased fucking asshole moderators will disregard your hostility...
you've mistaken my trolling for hostility.

ya see, i noticed you getting super angry and belligerent with other members in post #16, so i took it as a trollportunity to troll the loser who starts flame threads.
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