Let's get drunk!!!

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i can't stand whisky. I've tried it on the rocks, mixed with water, mixed with coke cola. just can't stand the taste of it anymore, probably cause i drank way too much of it last year that's all we used to drink, blahh, can't stand it

rather drink bud weiser i know i dissed it the other day but im starting to think its better then coors light

if i had to drink liquor i'd probably go with vodka, mixed with mountain dew i love it


Well-Known Member
Green is a very good sign!! Tell her that weird guy on the internet say hi again:lol::lol:

I would but she just left, they went to see the other grandma. This one got to stay home and have the house to herself for the evening! :lol:

let her listen to the hollerin for a while..lol I'm blazin and doing laundry while trying to solve a riddle.