lets flower out sum TGA strains

Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
whats good. first grow thread at RIU. imma be flowering out 1x A-13bx(aka Jack Swigert) and 2x Jillybeans. all my ladys in the flower cab are over 3 feet tall! an who said i only grow small plants:confused: oh yeah as you can see i got a shit load of small clones in the bottom of my cab....those are getting ready to make there way down to the local med dispencery, plus a full tray of A-13bx i took yesterday.


Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
well it seems i didnt contain my pollen when i recently flowered out a Pure Gooey male. all good. A-13bx x Pure Gooey. luckly only a few of the pre-flowers got dusted so ill end up with mostly sensi smoke. was plannin on hittin sum lowers with Jillybean pollen, but i guess next time.



Well-Known Member
Looking good petey my man. You've come a long ways bro. Wasn't long ago you were showing us to use a pc tower. Nice plants buddy.

Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
Looking good petey my man. You've come a long ways bro. Wasn't long ago you were showing us to use a pc tower. Nice plants buddy.
hahaha the stelth box. that was a really fun grow. the last 2 years of indoor growin has taught me soooo much. OD it was always plant it, wait for the males to show up an pull them, then wait for harvest time. an thats it. no love for the plants, just after a buck. i like what im growing more than what i used to. mostly because of one thing.......what was it......hmmmm.....gotta think about this one a bit......oh yeah FLAVOR!!! MG tastes horrible.


Well-Known Member
I hear you man, mg tastes terrible. Haha thats what I used on my first plant in a cab 16 inch sq with fluro's. Tasted bad but I was hooked. That was 14 years ago. Man time sure flies.

Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
were sittin here at day 39

heres jillybean #2
she smells like oranges taken to early from the tree. like a sour orange candy. im thinking this may be a 'candy store' pheno. its a bit stretchy, but it looks like its gunna put on sum decent weight.


Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
n this is jillybean #4
she smells like sour candy. not to much orange in it, its more of a lemon sour patch kid.....maybe like eating 2 lemon pieces and 1 orange piece at the same time.

