Less stressful way to flush?


Well-Known Member
Had problems on last 2 grows with flushing. Growing using DWC and last time I went to straight PH'd water. A week later they were just about dead-whole plant went limp-seemed like a moisture problem but the roots started rotting fast. I am tapering nutes down now but wondering if I can use Superthrive and some Organic Activator with the flush? Obviously no nutes, but does it seem ok to use these amino acids?
Should I use Clearex?


Well-Known Member
do you know what went wrong? because i grow in a dwc my first grow and i don't want that happening to me. sorry cant help you i'am a newbe


Well-Known Member
honestly, I think it was the molasses. I used black strap unsulphered too. They went from green to yellow to wilting in a few days. I was also taking some sample nugs to test it out, so that may have been it or a combination. Either way, the roots rotted in a day or two-smelled real bad and had a few fungus gnats buzzing around them. Got one just in time. The other had some underdevelped lower buds. I have some Kush about ready now and I am going to taper down real slow. I like my bud snap-crackle-n-poppin anyway,lol.


Well-Known Member
don't flush then if you think it killed your plants it is kinda stressful but the plant is about to die anyway I don't use any nute containing nitrogen last 4 weeks and don't flush..I slow dry and cure long my buds always taste sweat flushing is a pain in the ass with more than a few plants so I back off the nutes a bit sooner say a week earlier works for me :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input guys. the h20 was 70 degrees. I am going to just keep topping off with reg h20 with a little superthrive and nutralife lowering the PPM by 100 or so a day.