Legit reason for getting medicated (Acutane messed me up!)

Blu Spy

I have taken Acutane for two years in the past and the unexpected side affects are still taking painful affect on me. You've probably heard the class action lawsuit against Acutane and its harmful stomach affects. BUT THIS QUESTION HAS REALLY NOTHING TO DO WITH ACUTANE OR LAWSUITS.
Ok so, im 18 and I'm going into the doctor because for 2 years I have suffered from this painful stomach problem that feels like and ulcer, acid reflux or irritable bowl syndrome. I usually get these painful burning cramps that cause extreme exhaustion, diarrhea, nausea and more pain. I was 16 when the worst ones hit me. I nearly fainted in the middle of class because the pain was so great, and of course I had to nearly crawl ( not really) to the nurse just to be sent home. It's still pretty bad today. I get these "cramp attacks" about 2 or 3 times a month.
The problem is I really don't know what triggers it. There are times when it's triggered due to anxiety ( I had major anxiety in high-school and still do), not eating enough in the day, over working my body or it would just happen without warning. There really is no proper thing that starts the pain from happening. but once it starts, the only way to stop it is time. Eating, drinking soda or Pepto doesn't help.
This month I saw an ad for a recall on acutane. The ad stated that the people who've taken this suffer from ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal disorder and or crohn's disease. A class action lawsuit is at hand as we speak. But here's the main point (finally). Im gonna get help from a doctor to stop this pain. Do you think this is a legit reason to get prescribed for medicinal marijuana? If so, how should I approach this to him, especially if my dad might be in the room? I need good thoughts opinions and reasons (especially for those who are doctors and those who are prescribed.)


Well-Known Member
dude, most of the doctors who do this in california dont care. i didnt even see a doctor when i got my recommendation. im pretty sure the doc was stoned to becuase she kept forgetting the peoples name she had just "seen" and just started signing the papers lol

but maybe i went ona bad day for her lol

*edit, i would look up a doctor thats in the business of Medical MJ though, a regular doctor can and will get you a recommendation but alot of them dont like gettin involved, especially in san diego area since they are still cracking down on DEA style here recently


Well-Known Member
if you do see your doctor just ask what would be the best natural way to relieve the pain and increase appetite.

im mean holy F you prolly would really benefit from mmj

good luck


Well-Known Member
Accutane isn't good no matter how you look at it. I went through that shit when I was a young teenager and now I wish that I just toughed out some pimples for a few years. It does horrible things to your insides, and you don't want to know what a gastroenterologist had to say about my guts.


Well-Known Member
dude same. i live i florida and took sotret 2 years ago and i think im just now finding out that i have it.. i actually have an appointment tomorrow.

but ive read up on it, and im pretty sure chrohn's disease ulcerative colitis and IBD are actually the most legitimate reason for having a medical license, as THC somewhat heals ur insides and induces hunger; which is a major problem with having crohn's disease.


Well-Known Member
i took accutane when i was 15-16 (25 now). i had all the symptoms you're having and more for last 8 years or so and a few years ago they got real bad. long story short, after 2 years of seeing dr after dr i was diagnosed with crohns disease. im tryin to hunt down my records to show i took accutane so i can maybe get involved in the class action.

anyway, it definitely sounds like you have some sort of IBD which, here in michigan, would be enough to get your card. the pain alone might be enough to get it too.

i just flat out asked my doctors, "what are your thoughts on medical marijuana?"
i think that is the best way to do it. if you're worried about your dad being there, tell him you want to go in alone.

just as a heads up, the tests the doctors are probably gona do are a stool sample (digging in your own shit and putting it in a cup is so much fun...:mad: ) then they'll probably want to do a colonoscopy and if you suffer from heartburn an upper endoscopy would be in order as well. plus an onslaught of blood tests...i once gave 9 tubes of blood in a doctors visit.


Well-Known Member
but ive read up on it, and im pretty sure chrohn's disease ulcerative colitis and IBD are actually the most legitimate reason for having a medical license, as THC somewhat heals ur insides and induces hunger; which is a major problem with having crohn's disease.
im pretty sure cancer would be the most legit reason, but ill throw IBD up there as number 2.

to be more specific, it promotes a strong bond of the cells in the lining of the intestines and it inhibits abnormal cell growth. ive also read (not sure if its true) that it works well in preventing the body from rejecting and attacking newly transplanted organs...which is what happens in crohns/collitis, the body attacks the GI tract. and yes it works wonders for appetite stimulation, i wouldnt be able to eat at all if it wasnt for marijuana. it also works amazing for nausea and completely takes away my stomach cramps. in pot we trust.


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure cancer would be the most legit reason, but ill throw IBD up there as number 2.

to be more specific, it promotes a strong bond of the cells in the lining of the intestines and it inhibits abnormal cell growth. ive also read (not sure if its true) that it works well in preventing the body from rejecting and attacking newly transplanted organs...which is what happens in crohns/collitis, the body attacks the GI tract. and yes it works wonders for appetite stimulation, i wouldnt be able to eat at all if it wasnt for marijuana. it also works amazing for nausea and completely takes away my stomach cramps. in pot we trust.

yess. now if i could get to a place where theres some medical mary j...
its nice knowing theres other people out there who understand what im going thru

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
First I'd like to say sorry for all the bullshit you've had to go through. That sucks dude.

I hope you get in on that lawsuit. I hate all these stories about pharma companies making billions by pushing all these new drugs on people without knowing all the long term effects. It's bullshit. The only consequences these companies understand is losing money, so I hope you take all their cash!

Do you think this is a legit reason to get prescribed for medicinal marijuana?
Yes, absolutely. I'm no doctor, I have no idea how much it will help most of your symptoms, but I do know for a fact that cannabis eases severity and painfulness of cramps. My girlfriend has a doctors rec for her cramping due to PCOS, and bud helps her more than any pill she has been given for it.

If so, how should I approach this to him, especially if my dad might be in the room?
No idea on that one. If it were me I'd just go to a specific MMJ doctor and wouldn't bring my dad. You can get a doctors rec for as low as $60 dollars now.