Legalize it, and i will advertise it!

Its getting to that time of year where were all starting or have already started a garden/gurilla grow.
For some of us we've had one going indoors for a while but indoors or outdoors we all share one problem, British law!

I just wanted to start a general discussion about the legalisation and if it will ever happen.

we've known about amsterdam and other parts of holland having a relaxed attitude towards it but in the last 10 years other countries and cities have followed suit.
Spain, switzerland, prague and I heard Denmark are very close to it. Im sure theres more that i don't know about.

I, not just as a smoker(but that does make me biased) but as a human with morals can't see any major problem in the people that do smoke to be able to grow there own plants.
There would obviously have to have a limit to the grow, I would be happy with 4-5 if i had no worries about doing it, and personally i think there should also be a ban on smoking it in public. I have kids and the last thing I want is to be down the high street and clouds of sweet smoke drifting over there
I think this way the people that smoke can grow there own so most people that buy off dealers won't need to, your still have streets sellers but clothes have been legal forever and i can still get "off the back off a lorry" clothes.

And theres a huge medical side with tons of benefits that i couldn't even go into.



Well-Known Member
I agree with pretty much everything you say. As of feb 2012 weed was de criminalised in the uk regarding you SHOULDN'T get prison time for 9 plants or less. In theory. It's a guideline rule for courts on personal grows not dealing. I think it's a step in the right direction even though I still fear my door going in one day. I hope one day I can relax.

I run my own business and suffer from severe stress and depression. Since smoking my symptoms are rare and very far between. Before the anti depressants I was prescribed wouldn't let me focus on anything and just left me feeling worse. I ditched them and took up smoking and growing just for me and will never look back.


Well-Known Member
American anti-cannabis laws are the most hypocritical and fucked up of all the other countries, by far... They want to tax it, and still keep it illegal, and fuck with guys like Steve DiAngelo and Richard Lee, and on down the line... We r about to have another goddamned Civil War over here over a fucking plant! This shit is getting WAAAY outta hand! Somethingz about to happen, and I don't know which way itz gonna go, but itz for damned sure gonna go one way or the other! We can't keep going on this way...we just can't...


Active Member
I feel in the UK we are still a million miles away from it, Its sad but I think it is like scientific advancement in a way. Sometimes the people that hold certain beliefs have to die of old age before new ones can come up in their place.

We saw a few years back the declassification of weed from B to C, then a quick withdrawl of this. It was like dangling a prize right infront of the smaller growers (no jail time) and then snapping it away again. It felt like a total reverse in direction, and that decriminalization was a distant notion, let alone legalization.

It is encouraging to see the changes in Feb this year though I agree. I read all of it and now have a good set of guide lines to stick to. It really is smart to grow with getting caught one day in mind. One day you have a fine, some community service and a series of very boring days in court (etc), doesnt sound all that bad. I would never have a conscience about growing for personal and feel I could easily move on from an event like that.

I think legalization is a ways away, until I actually hear one of the (must...not...make...satirical...comment) politicians say it with their own lips, I'll sadly remain pessimistic.