legal question


Active Member
im located in the u.s. and have been convicted of two class b felonies for selling drugs. they happened at the same time, I was set up basically. Question is i was sentenced to 1 year house arrest and 4 years of probation which i have completed. if i were to get in trouble again could the time that was suspended from the first conviction be added on or since i did what the judge ordered, i am free from that suspended time?


Well-Known Member
i'm not a lawyer so i'm guessing. i would think that if you served probation and it's all said and done then it should be over. i've heard of a way to get things exsponged but i don't know exactly what this means. sorry i couldn't be of more help.


Well-Known Member
I am not a lawyer but....

I think for the most part that any screw ups you make during your probation period can certainly be reinstated.

If punishment is served out and there are not problems I believe it is a new charge, but knowing the government, they can dig up the old stuff and throw it back into the mix as well.

Hopefully you had an attorney during this process, give him a call just to answer your question.

However, with the way I understand it, and by all means take no offense to this, but once a felon always a felon. Any body that is convicted of a felony gives up certain civil liberties, if I am not mistaken I dont think you can ever legally own a firearm.


Active Member
yep your exactly right i cant own a gun, i cant vote, cant get a job. but its all good ive got my own company started and its doing awesome. its crazy once you check your a felon on an application your screwed you know. but its all good now so i cant complain. see but my whole thing is, if i were to get convicted again of a drug charge their going to say damn 3 drug charges and their ass is going to be on the stiff side, which is bullshit....anyways any more help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Dont get caught. Dont tell anybody and dont even hint at the fact that you are growing. Buy all your supply with cash and DONT TELL ANYONE!


Well-Known Member
yep your exactly right i cant own a gun, i cant vote, cant get a job. but its all good ive got my own company started and its doing awesome. its crazy once you check your a felon on an application your screwed you know. but its all good now so i cant complain. see but my whole thing is, if i were to get convicted again of a drug charge their going to say damn 3 drug charges and their ass is going to be on the stiff side, which is bullshit....anyways any more help is appreciated
It could very well fall under the 'Three Strikes' law. So just be carefull


Three people can keep a secret if two are dead.
-Benjamin Franklin


Well-Known Member
dude my boy got hit 2 yrs ago on a set up 3/4 lb and 3 grand in cash scale a gun with no numbers on it by county detectives tipped off by a ci now he is a repeated offender has done time in prison for assaults right he got a break from the judge and they gave him 5 yrs probation and 10 months house arrest that started back in november,now dude started his house arrest and kept doin the dam thing and what do you know jan 28,2 yrs to the exact date same county detectives came to the new place where he moved to and caught him with a 1/4 lb scale 5 grand and like a gram of coke,warrent said the same ci tipped them off again cut his house arrest bracelett off and took him in house arrest was to be done august 14 he is still in the county jail no word on a release date so,if you are done all time served case shut no but if you are still serving the probation and get jammed for the same crime twice best beleive they will bang u in the pooper with the cock of the law with no dinner or vasaline and most likely in state the suspeded sentence as well as what u are charge with


Active Member
thanks everyone for all the help...yea i was reading about the 3 strikes thing and it doesnt apply to me. it has to be 3 violent felonies...but yea all my time is served...but i def. learned alot from how the system works and how they set people up and all i am def. going to be super low key about things