legal issues 2 plants.


Well-Known Member
Hey! I'm in no trouble, just being a worry wort about legal things. To my understanding under 5 plants is a misdimenor, but possesing between 30 and 200 grams is a felony. So what if I have 2 plants and I get caught does that mean a misdimenor? Or a felony because even if each plant gives me 2 oz....thats still far over 30 grams. Im worried, hopefully someone can ease my troubles a bit.
Cultivation of marijuana in any amount is a felony. There is no room to put you at ease.... We all take a risk... If you're in your own house unless you have more than ten plants (and you live away from people or to where they can't smell what's inside) then there's no risk. You're entitled to protection from search and seizures as an American citizen. Good luck, #%^* the police!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I figured it would be a felony no matter what. Butttttt what do you tjj k id be looking at if I did? I mean, am j loomjng at prison time for growing 2 plants? I have a clean record and what not, I just was wondering how much trouble you thjnk I'd get in?


Well-Known Member
Talk to a lawyer for accurate info. about your state/county/town and yourself (criminal record ?), or some one that works within the court house or legal system


Well-Known Member
Cultivation of marijuana in any amount is a felony. There is no room to put you at ease.... We all take a risk... If you're in your own house unless you have more than ten plants (and you live away from people or to where they can't smell what's inside) then there's no risk. You're entitled to protection from search and seizures as an American citizen. Good luck, #%^* the police!
its on a state to state basis, so that's not an accurate statement. Most states cultivation alone is a misdemeanor, however possessing over a certain amount is a felony, and if it happens that the overall weight of your plants(leaves, buds, stem) weigh over that amount, you could be charged. Either way to the OP you'd be charged with the misdemeanor of growing and also charged with possession,(how serious a possession charge depends on the amount. even if you have no dry processed pot, you will still be charged with possession because you are in possession of the plants your growing). Its good to know your laws and what your up against in-case you do get busted, but as said don't let it scare you away.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I figured it would be a felony no matter what. Butttttt what do you tjj k id be looking at if I did? I mean, am j loomjng at prison time for growing 2 plants? I have a clean record and what not, I just was wondering how much trouble you thjnk I'd get in?
a small personal grow, no evidence of sales with no prior record, theres a good chance If you caught a felony possession, they may drop it. most people nowadays believe one shouldn't have a permanent scar on there record for pot charges, and the courts are starting to come around in that regard


Well-Known Member
The way I figure it... I' m going to prison if I get caught.... Cause I'm going to tell the judge to go fuck himself right before sentencing.... At 45 years old I'll be damned if I'm going to allow a fucking hypocrite alcoholic judge lecture me about weed. I quit smoking cigs and drinking alcohol thanks to weed. My wife loves me now more than she ever did when I was drinking, it's no ones business what I do with myself behind my own closed doors. I have no kids.. And I bother no one with my choices. I pay taxes, and it seems to me that this country can't really afford to lose more of its tax base.
On a federal level I believe cultivation is a felony... I know there is statehood protection in effect... But for us in the Midwest it's like we have federal laws in effect..


Well-Known Member
Thabks for the info, I figure I can probably get away without prison yime, hopefully even jail time. I just figure/hope they have bigger problems like the meth heads down the street lol its just 2 plants, I mean come on.


Active Member
Man you sound really paranoid. I would say majority on this site are doing it illegally. Who are the government to say what you can and can't grow.
Just stand up for your rights you live in a free country right?

Interesting vewing the bob Marley documentary listening to him talk about having 8ft plants outside his house knowing if he got caught he would end up in jail. Do you think it stopped him?

I second the "Fuck the government" they are all hypocritical liars. Hiding more shit from you that you could ever imagine.

You can't technically do much wrong to be breaking the law. Every day you drive 1mph over the speed limit and you're breaking the law.

For 2 plants i wouldn't be stressing. Take a chill pill and relax sit next to you're garden and enjoy the fruits of your Labour.


Well-Known Member
Don't be paranoid, be smart. Keep it to yourself, don't show all your buddies cause every person that knows ups your chances of getting caught by 10%. People talk because people crave reaction, and theres also a jealousy factor there cause there will always be people that hate. Just grow your plants and don't tell even your dog about it and you will be fine. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
So all the IDIOTS saying fuck the government. Put your money where your mouth is....
Don't hide behind your computer and say it. Go to your local politician and tell him fuck off you are a marijuana grower.
Show them the nuts you are so quick to pull out behind your computer.

Otherwise stop being morons. You don't look "cool" you look like morons.

Or are you just punks and like being in jail better than free? Like taking it up the ass?


Well-Known Member
The way I figure it... I' m going to prison if I get caught.... Cause I'm going to tell the judge to go fuck himself right before sentencing.... At 45 years old I'll be damned if I'm going to allow a fucking hypocrite alcoholic judge lecture me about weed. I quit smoking cigs and drinking alcohol thanks to weed. My wife loves me now more than she ever did when I was drinking, it's no ones business what I do with myself behind my own closed doors. I have no kids.. And I bother no one with my choices. I pay taxes, and it seems to me that this country can't really afford to lose more of its tax base.
well just know if you go to prison, your smart remarks, and your punk kid attitude is what put u there, not your charge. I learned a long time ago when you have someone above you who can effectively end your freedom you play ball their way, and bite your lip. keep your mouth shut and save anything u have to say for trial(if it needs to go that far)


Well-Known Member
On a federal level I believe cultivation is a felony... I know there is statehood protection in effect... But for us in the Midwest it's like we have federal laws in effect..
well the feds aren't gonna be the one arresting you for two plants that'd be your state and local dept.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, ive always been a well mannered kid you know, im not going to be the guy to tell the police to fuck their selves if I get caught. I feel that being polite and even tempered has always gotten me farther in life. Any time ive been a dixkhole it comes back tenfold you know? I'm not sweating it too hard I just like to know what exactly im looking at, ya know? Most cops around here are just doing there job. I cant blame them for that, its the laws that I disagree with not a man doing his job.


Well-Known Member
Well I'll tell you this for Illinois... and having family there in Law enforcement can tell you they won't go after anyone growing 4 plants. As being in the same boat I asked the same questions. Keeping under 5 plants is a misdemeanor. Unless you have lbs of processed dry pot laying around your fine. They don't weigh the plants. Also if you do have a good size stach 1st time offenders in Illinois never get jail time only supervision.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! This is exactly what I was looking for! Yeah im looking at having roughly 4 ounces of 2 plants. And thats shooting lowish I feel. Hell I can make an ounce last me 2 months hopefully. I smoke about an 1/8 a week do I don't expect to have a few pounds stashed lol