legal bud


Active Member
has anyone actualy bothered trying it
theres ads all over this site
i would think someone with spare cash tried it
its like an ounce for 50bones

& the hawaiian gold now hawaiian hazee



Active Member
dont waste your money, its weed with ALL the THC removed. and I mean ALL. definately not worth your time, mine as well go buy mexican brick weed. Save your money bro.


Well-Known Member
sadly its not even weed with all the thc removed... if it was that it may be worth half of what its worth... but its imposter weed!!! it tastes like yabage!!!


Well-Known Member
want wut they call "legal weed" for free. go in ur back yeah and pick flowers and grass and dry it out then smoke it and there you go


Well-Known Member
I have bought it b4. A dealr i knew bought a bunch to sell off to make a quick buck.He didnt tell me it was legal weed but he was selling it for real cheap so i fell for it. It lookd like herb and it actually did give u a buzz, but it was harsh and tasted horrid. Only if ur super desprate and the town is dry and ur under age and cant get booze, then Maybe consider gettin some.


Well-Known Member
Spice Gold and Spice Diamond are actually great substitutes for marijuana, it gives you an incredible body high and gets you pretty baked. Its Legal, and you can get it for half the cost of weed and smoke it wherever you fucking want. I've got six grams sitting next to me for when I want to drive and smoke or smoke publicly. Everyone thats tried it swears by it