LED Spectrum Questions


Well-Known Member
So I'm looking into building my own LED array for my flowering room and have a couple questions from anyone with a little experience in the area. I want to strive for 100% LED and supplement additional light if needed later, but I'd like to design my array to me optimal for flowering without any supplemental lighting.

This is where things get real confusing, after doing much research on the subject I don't think I've gotten anywhere. I'm trying to figure out what spectrums of light I want to be putting in my array. There are many different suggestions I have heard and I'd like some input from someone with experience. Consider this is strictly for flowering

Here are the methods I've heard of:

100% red light.

90% red 10% blue

(These are the 2 varieties that the commercial growlights seem to make use of)

And contrary to those methods I've heard that white spectrum light is necessary for flowering. I've also heard that some lower red into the orange range in conjunction with the red and blue can benefit flowering as well. If either of these is the case, what would the desirable ratio of spectrums be? If not would the 100% red or 90/10 red blue be better?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure that in the flowering stage you want more of a blue spectrum
but as for your question my reply is useless :weed: lol sorry


Well-Known Member
That however is one thing that I am sure of, that all blue leds for vegging seems to work pretty well but everyone seems to add supplemental lighting for flowering, and I think theres a couple reasons for this.

1st of course the dozens of growlogs using those POS 225bulb 1'x1' arrays that use like 13w total and hang them as far away as they would a hps light. Then of course when they fail they cry about how LEDs sucks etc.

2nd would be the cost of course, if your actually going to make a legitimate attempt at flowering under LEDs you need a worthwhile array like the Procyon 100 or UFO products they have, and they start in the high hundreds and go right up into the thousands.

3rd and last is due to misuse of even the more expensive arrays. Almost all of them overestimate there actual light output and covered area (these arent really overestimates just setting suitable for diff plants that require less light) This should be pretty obvious to many people when you see the pictures of them using a single 300w UFO and hang it like 8ft over the canopy and light up a 10'x10'x area.....Ya good luck with that.

My mission is to debunk a couple of these misconceptions and do it the right way. Then I'll be able to determine if it really is viable to flower with all LEDs at this point. To address issues 1 and 2, I will be constructing my own LED array, although it sounds complicated, really with just a little bit of research and a soldering iron anyone can do this and build an array of the same wattage as the commercial ones for 1/4 of the price.

As far as number 3, I have my own theory on this issue. I believe at the very least you can expect your array to cover the same area and produce the same as an HPS of the same wattage hung at the same distance. That being said, for efficient growing for our plants LEDs are not meant to be hung a foot above the canopy, the closer you can get the better and closer you get to those actual estimated watts in hps versus just comparing the 2 systems watt for watt. This is the beauty of LEDs and particularly building your own setup as they run relatively cold and plants can be just inches away from them without any heat concerns.

I say for building your own in particular because while commercial setups are good, when you do hang them that close and you attain that much light your focusing it all on a very small area (i.e. a 300w UFO hung a couple inches away from your tops producing 1000w equivalent hps but only to a small immediate area (like 1'x2') Build your own for example and you can spread that light out and get some on the sides and under your canopy and encase your plant in close direct light. This is my particular idea below, I don't know if it has ever been tried before but I think it would work well.

You take a 5x5 sog for example I'm thinking 8"x8" per plant so a little over 3'x3' area. each plant is lit directly by 10 1w bulbs shining directly on it from all 4 sides, top, and bottom. Leaving no part of the plant more then 2-3" away from direct light. The sides are all completely open too besides the LED panels so light is shared between all 25 of the plants. So each plant is recieving 10w of LED power but its super efficient making those HPS equiv values more realistic. So effectively your growing 25 plants in a 40"x40"x24" area with 250w of LED (producing equiv. 600-800w hps) You could build a lighting setup like this yourself for your cab for less than $500 and it would make temp control and ventilation alot easier.


Well-Known Member
look up growgreen. he has the craziest led setup and info available . tell him 1982 sent you. he know everything and has a 600 watt led grow going on. look him up