LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2


Well-Known Member
they should start flowering soon,the males will start to show within a few days and bout a week later the fems should pop


Well-Known Member
Day 30...

The HPS has been on for 2 days and there's definitely a noticeable difference. Those LEDs suck.

Yesterday I fertilized them, it was a bit experimental - I'll keep doing it for a while.

* 2 are getting watered with the brown liquid that collects at the bottom of my worm farm.
* 2 are getting dosed with some organic seaweed type of fertilizer. High nitrogen.
* 1 is not getting anything, just water.
* 1 is getting seaweed stuff plus some granule fertilizer (this one is over fertilized for sure)

I also put up a frame on 2 sides with foil covering it. I know it's not ideal but it was the most simple and quick thing I could think off.



Well-Known Member
The other good thing is that the light has made the place a bit warmer. Temps were about 15C (59F), now they are about 18.5C (65F). I can't get them much warmer at the moment, but I think the foliage should be pretty warm this close to the light.


Well-Known Member
Day 32...

Man, what have I done? These seedlings aren't do very well at all. The are going all yellow. New roots are growing daily at the bottom of the pot though.

This one I fertilized a little...

This one I didn't fertilize:

What have I done!?

I had to prop a couple of them up also :-(
Also let the soil dry out a fair bit this time.

Maybe I'm winning for the slowest growing plants.
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Well-Known Member
theyre burned,u got to keep the hps 2ft away or you will burn them even worse,move the light away and they should b fine


Well-Known Member
Day 34...

Still struggling along. They have grown a little so at least they're not dead yet.



Well-Known Member
For my next grow, I'll be using seperate blue (veg) and red (flowering) LED bulbs in conjunction with my 600w MH/HPS light as supplemental canopy lighting.

You could try keeping the LED panels in there now...as supplemental spectrum lighting with your HPS.



Well-Known Member
Day 36...

Going okay. Leaves on most of the plants are still really yellow though. Anyone have any ideas?

The one that I over fertilized (seaweed fertilizer + granule stuff) is showing signs of it. Curled leaf edges, but it's also growing the quickest, thickest stem and the greenest leaves (although they're a little patchy in color).

Here's the over fertilized one, doing the best...



Well-Known Member
I have 2 more sprouted seeds which I'll plant in some different soil today and no LEDs. I can see how they are supposed to grow.


Well-Known Member
They're supposed to be lowryder 2. Yes, they should be showing sex but then again, they have had a pretty stressful life so far.


Well-Known Member
they couldve been stunted but the one i had showed like at 15 days,it was cool,a two in plant burstin with hairs and branches,it grew up to a 19 in 1.5oz perfect smoke