LED lights


Well-Known Member
no that light is not a good light for a veg . im not saying its bad it is to small. it is a good light for a cloner . I suggest one of these I m using it works well .http://www.ebay.com/itm/300W-LED-Grow-Light-Full-Spectrum-IR-For-Indoor-Grow-Greenhouse-Hydroponic-Plant-/291003115391?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item43c123277f take my word on that light you posted . I have one just like it I use in my hydro cloner . the one I told you about is a very bright one it will cover a area of 5 feet around . it its strong enough for me trust me its good enough for you . I have used 1000 watt and 600 watt mh in veg now this led. light coverage is about the same as a air cooled 600 mh bulb . but will not grow as fast but better then florescent .